Saturday, January 19, 2008

22 Months

Dear Mister O;

Happy 22! Wow the Holiday's are over. We have been celebrating since mid December and finished this weekend.

NEW YEAR's Day 2008

You got a whole bunch of loot the Christmas. I am just about done finding homes for everything. We spent Christmas Eve at Nanny's. You still haven't caught on to the concept of opening gifts. You had a meltdown at Nanny's, to much was going on and you didn't understand.

Playing with your Baby

We had a nice Sunday Dinner here with the gang afterChristmas. Mommy cooked her fist Turkey. Auntie Jazz had been Craving a Turkey Dinner for a long time. Her baby will be coming soon, she is due on a week. She got you a baby for Christmas so you can get used to the idea of a baby. The first time we wrapped him in your blaket you had a bit of an issue and got under the blanket with the baby. When we ask you where the baby is you start looking for him and get upset if you can't find him.

We had a very nice New Year's Eve. Daddy and I made a big seafood feast for everyone. They all went off to do their thing. Daddy and I played cards and then watched a movie. New Years Day we got to hang out. We got to spend four whole Days together it was great.

Your Christmas Suit

The next week ZiZi Miranda came home from Alberta for a week. You spent the week with her at Nona's and got to visit with Family. Mommy on the other hand spend way to many hours at work. We had a quarterly executive review and I had to get everything in order. It went great. I also found out I will be getting a promotion. I am in negotiations right now. I am very excited.

Giving Sophia a Kiss

When you got home from Nona;s you gave me the silent treatment as to say I am mad at you for leaving me. We missed you very much while you were gone but now you are back and we love it. You adjusted back much easier this time then you have times before.

You are growing like a weed I went through all of your clothes last week to get rid of the small things there was a big bag full. I find you tend to only grow out of your clothes length. everything ends up being to short. Auntie Linda sent two bags of clothes from out west for you. mostly P.J.s which is great because we always need more.

Relaxing at Nanny's

You have been telling us when you poop your diaper. I think this is a good sign for the potty training adventure. You are not a big fan of sitting on the potty. I think I might get a different shaped potty. Maybe we will go today.

You have also become a big fan of the choo choo. We were out looking for a kids laptop for you. I spotted the very last one on the bottom shelf. It was a Thomas the Train Laptop. As soon as you saw it you start yelling "choo choo" We gave it to you and you would not even let us pay for it. Nanny also bought you a choo choo set for Christmas.

Reading "The Onion" With Daddy

We had a big mile stone this month. We no longer have your change table. We sent it to Auntie Jazz's for the new baby. I set up a little play area with shelves for your puzzles and lots of other toys. It even has a perfect spot for the Piano Papa got you for Christmas.

You are talking up a storm too. Uncle Sean was home over Christmas and you were obsessed with his name. "Seannnnnn" you would say it just for the heck of it. It was/is amazing how much you loved saying his name.

Hanging in the Window
A few days ago you asked Daddy for a crouton. The best one of all is "Shiite" you say this when you want to shut the light. Who would have thought. I had know idea what you were asking me for the first time you asked. We had to play a bit of Sher aides to figure it out. You are obsessed with pushing buttons. We were going for a walk and we were near the bank. You stuck you finger out and started to say "Push Push" you wanted to open the door. We could not believe you knew where you were and that there was a door button at the bank.

You want to puch the camera button

You have begun to want to cook with us. Today you had a spatula and you wanted to stir the frying pan. I need to get you some kind of bench so you can help at the counter. Someday you will even have your own play kitchen. We just need a bigger place.

Looking for a movie

I can not believe you are going to be Two in two months. Life is speeding by. I wonder what kind of party we are going to have.


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