Thursday, December 20, 2007

Letter in the Making

Dear Otis,
This is going to be a short but sweet Letter.
We have been very busy these last two months. I can't even remember what we have been doing. We haven't done much but live life oh and attend Christmas parties. Christmas is fast approaching and I am running out of time. I make a promiss to you now that I am going to slow down in the New Year.

You have been starting to talk up a storm to many words for me to remember.

I havn't taken many pictures over the last few months either. Partly because they are always of the back of your head.

We went to the Santa Claus Parade last month and you made it through the whole thing. The parade is almost two hours long. Auntie Andy came out to watch the parade with us.

You had a very long bout of the runs and spent more then a week at home. At first we thought you had the flu or something but we then discovered that it was from Papa's diaria cookies. He made cookies with splenda. We didn't catch on until the second bout, the day after you ate a cookie. It make sense though, what an intense thing to put in such a little body.

Papa watched you on the last day before you went back to day care. He brought you to the Farmers market where you walked aound with a toothpick asking for more. one of your favoirite words might I add. Papa said you tried every cheese in the building.

About a week or so ago we were standing in the hallway and you looked at me and said "shite". I had know idea what you wanted but after some sherades you got your point accross you wanted to shut the light.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas
Love Mommy

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