Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lucky Number Seven

Dear Otis;

Seven months have come and gone. Sorry this post is a bit late we have been having fun. Daddy and I painted the kitchen this weekend and I have been getting somethings done around the apartment. Today Auntie Andy and I made your hat for your Halloween costume. It looks very cute.

You went on your first swing ride this month you, thought it was a pretty fun thing, you squealed with delight. You are very close to crawling it is just a matter of days I think. You pull you legs forward and then collapse before you can realize you are moving forward.

You are a travelling machine. I have been taking pictures all the locations I have found you. Your room, the kitchen, our bedroom, under the table, between the two chairs to name a few. You tend to navigate to the entertainment unit and play with the doors or the laptop cord that you like to try and chew.

Qbert is one of your favorite past times. Anytime he even comes close to you, you pounce. He is such a great cat and just takes it.

Daddy had a week off this month so we got to visit a lot of family. We were at Nona's for Thanksgiving and spent a few days in Oshawa. While we were there we painted Nanny's apartment for her. At Grandpa's he played the guitar for you and you really liked it.
Grandpa also gave us a bucket he had bought. You have become a big fan of it. You spend large amounts of time in the bucket playing with toys. The bucket is a great way for you to play and not get into anything dangerous. The time has come that a closer eye is needed for the travelling baby. We call it baby in a bucket. You are so cute while in the bucket.

We also had a big dinner party last week for our friend Tony's 30th birthday. You took a liking to a beer bottle and would not let us take it from you. A true Ivanco. We ate the moose roast that Nono gave us, it was O.K. I won't be cooking another one anytime soon. Even though Nono called to tell me they have caught another one up north this year.

Oh and don't forget the pumpkin patch we went to. I had so much fun bringing you there. There were so many pumpkins. You were so cute in your pumpkin hat. You also tried grass for the first time, you thought it was pretty fun to pick it and stick it in you mouth. Not a great fan of the taste though.

You have been eating like a champ this month you have tried so many new foods. I will try to remember them. peas, mango, cauliflower, broccoli, turkey, pear, kiwi, beets and squash. I got a new book from the library with many recipes to cook you. I hope this makes you an adventurous eater.

You have been cutting you top tooth this week and you had been drooling enough for three babies. Anytime I pick you up you give me big hugs so you can suck on my face it is really slimy and I have been breaking out from it but that is O.K. I love it.

You spend a big part of your day playing with your toys. They end up spread all over the apartment and become little land mines which we tend to step on and almost kill ourselves. We are getting better with them being around. It works out better that they a spread out so no matter where you end up there is a toy for you to play with.

There is a lot of sounds coming out of your mouth but no words yet. You also grunt a lot when you want someones attention it cracks me up. One of my favourite games to play with you is the coughing game about a week ago I realized you were fake coughing when I coughed back you coughed again. It is really funny. You are growing so quickly before I know it you will be walking and talking.

I love you with all my heart.

Love Mommy

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