Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Eight Is Great

Dear Otis;

You are eight months and a day old today. As usual the time is passing so quickly. I spent the majority of your eight month birthday making you food. By the looks of our freezer, there is enough food for the next month or so. There is a great variety of foods in there I hope you like the flavours. As a celebration of you growing up I let you feed yourself dinner. You were a disaster straight into the bath you went. You did however have a great time playing in the food.

Nona had her second knee replaced last month you and I went to spend a week looking after her. We spent your first Halloween there. Daddy missed out on the event but we did take a lot of pictures. We went trick or treating at many family members. Zizi Teresa came with us while we went to visit everyone. We even went to my cousin Joey's house and met your little cousin Sophia. She is three months younger then you and half the size.

When you get older you will realize how much I LOVE Halloween. Daddy and I had decided well over a year ago that if we had a boy he was going to be Super Mario. Aunty Andy and I made your hat. It turned out on the first try I was a little surprised how much it actually looked like Super Mario's hat. I can't wait to make next years costume.

Nona is doing great and looking forward to your next visit with her. While we were there I took a lot of pictures. Grandpa John gave daddy and I his camera because he gout a new one. You are a great photo subject to learn how to use a new Camera. Nona was up to her usual anticts with you. While I was out running errands for her she had made you a Hammock on her walker to get you from her bed to the living room. You stayed in the thing for over and hour we put some toys in with you and you had a great time.

Uncle Sean and Aunt Andy gave you your christmas present early it is this great shirt with a picture of a stomach that says "food In Poo Out".
While at Nona's we also dressed you up like a Soprano. You have this baby Gap outfit that makes you look like a little mobster. so we put a pile of Nona's gold jewelry on you.

For the past few weeks We have been giving you baths in the sink. It is a lot easier on the back and you really like being able to reach all of you toys with out falling over.

I found you in the stragnest place yet this month. You managed to travel through the kitchen table and got your self stuck under the cedar chest.

Your as happy as ever I hope it stays that way.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Maryrose,
Have to say this. your baby is very cute and you are a great monther, you doing so well. I have 2 of my own and being a working mother, I missed a few of those special times. I even missed when my daughter start to walk.
Good job! You should keep updates.