Thursday, July 13, 2006


This has been a bit of a crazy time for me. This passed weekend we had all the furniture from Dave's grandmothers house moving in. We have inherited a lot of furniture from her. There is a couch and chair set, a two piece wall unit and a bed. On Thursday I had the Idea I would like to paint our bedroom. I was never a fan of the colour it was when we moved in and I have really never felt like it was my bedroom. There was one catch how ever I had to have the room painted and put together as much as possible by Saturday noon, that was when the other furniture would be there.

I must have changed my mind thirty times about painting it. So off I went to get the paint Thursday night and tried to get the room as ready as I could with the bed in the way. The bed pretty much takes up the whole room. Friday morning Dave helped me get the mattress onto the living room floor and off I went pulling the bed apart and getting the rest of the room ready.

9:30 am - Andy was down helping me paint
1:30 pm - one coat off primer and two coats of paint later the room was done.

We were a painting machine. At some points we were trading off taking care of Otis. He had a great time, he was able to hang out on the futon and watch T.V. after the painting I had a nap before I tackled the rest of the stuff that needed to be done. That evening I had Otis in bed by 8:30pm and I was off to the races again. I put the frame together for the bed. Realized that the queen sized bed was four inches smaller then the futon which meant we could flip the bed around and make more room to move around.
I love when things like this come together. I finally crashed close to 1am and was back up at 8am to pump and find the livingroom amongst the chaos.

By the time Dave was here with the furniture I managed to get everything I needed done. Vacuumed the rest of the blinds in the apartment and every nook and crany I could find. I didn't take long to get the furniture in, we moved one piece out everytime we moved one in. Dave and his dad shipped the old stuff off to the big VV while I got us some lunch. After lunch I was so excited about everything that had changed, we were just missing one last piece the new dresser from Ikea.
So off I went to Burlington an hour drive away to get the dresser. When I went to pay for the thing they would not let me because I had Dave's credit card and he wasn't there to sign for it. I was pissed. I spent the rest of Saturday putting the living room back together filling the wall unit with glasses, linens, our new set of china etc. The thing could hold so much stuff. I could not believe how much storage space we have left.

Sunday morning Dave (the man who despises Ikea) drove all the way there to get the dresser for me, my hero. After the world cup game the dresser was put together and our clothes put back. We even have two empty drawers.

Yeah everything back in its new home. Oh yeah have I told you how comfortable the new furniture is. Thank you buba. We miss you.

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