Thursday, July 20, 2006

4 Months Old

Dear Otis,

We have had a busy month. If it wasn't for the pictures I don't think I could remember everything we've done.

First off lets start with your sleeping. Man you are a great sleeper and I count my blessings. You sleep an average of 10 hours a night most times more. Which is great except for the little problem of keeping my milk supply going. I have had to work at it quite a bit this month to get you enough. You have eaten the frozen supply I managed to get built up over the past few months and I have had to give you a few bottles of formula.

Your weight gain has started to balance out a bit I had you weighed about a week ago and over the past 5 weeks you have only gained one pound. This made me a little sad, I had a cry over it. Even though I know you need to stop gaining weight at that crazy pace a pund a week. It happened the same time as me not producing enough milk and you were wanting more food. I felt like I wasn't able to sustain you which made me worry even more and the supply started to slow down. My body is making more milk thanks to fenugreek and lots of water. I have to wake up and go pee which I never did even when I was pregnant with you.

This month we went to nono's side for a family reunion BBQ. It was a lot of fun and you were great. You got to sit on your first Harley and with Uncle Mike on his motorcycle. You also went swimming for the first & second time which you were o.k. with. Since then you don't like the bath as much. You also got a bit of a sun burn from the ten minutes we had you in the pool. I can't wait to put sun block on you. I don't know which is worse sun burn or sun block.

We also had two bbq's on Canada Day weekend in Oshawa with daddy's sides of the family. At nanny's you got spoiled with all kinds of gifts she had been hoarding and Teta K. Gave you a great Canada Day outfit that said Canada Eh! On your bum.

At grandpa John's house you met Old Eric for the first time this is Granny Gail's dad and uncle Gary who gave you your first Cop Claw. I Think it is a wrestling move I am not quite sure however it is his specialty and all the kids in the family get one. You got one on you head which you didn't like much and on on your belly which was O.K.

Since then we have been living our lives here in Waterloo. Teta K. Came down for the World Cup Soccer Game. She brought you a beaver puppet. It gave us a great laugh. If you don't get it by the time you read this ask and I will decide if you are old enough to be told. Italy won against France in penalty kicks. Go Italy. You also like to watch t.v. I put you in your exersaucer and you watch close to a whole fisher price dvd.

You and I go to the movies every Wednesday, It's called movies for mommies you do really well and usually end up sleeping most of the movie which is great for me.
On July 12 there was a photographer taking summer fun pictures, so I decided to get some of you. While she was taking the pictures you rolled over for the first time you had been working on it for a bit but really didn't get very far and at that moment you figured out how to move you arm out of the way and off you went. I can't wait to see the pictures. You now roll all the time. When I put you to sleep some times I have to roll you back because you have been getting stuck on you tummy and can't get to sleep. Most nights you tend to wake up at some point and travel around your crib, your head has been where you feet were and you have ended up right at the top on you belly.

In the morning when you wake up you have a little party in your crib before you call us to come get you. I love listening to you through the monitor having so much fun chatting up a storm. Your starting to get a full giggle not just the squeal you have had till now. You really like it when daddy gives you kisses on you neck his beard makes you laugh. You grab and hold your toys really well and can even get them in your mouth. You are happiest when you have something in your mouth to chew. Nona is determined you're going to get teeth any day we will see.

You have got me good a few memorable times this month with you bodily functions. Last week we were coming home from the Jane Bond and I looked down and thought you had puked on me. When I went to wipe it, I realized it was poop that snuck out the side of your diaper. Yuck. Last night we had fed you and gave you tylenol because it was your four month shot day and you puked so much I had it down my shirt and in my pocket. I just sat there for a minute, I didn't no where to start. Thank goodness Daddy was there to clean you.

All in all I am having a great time with you. I can't wait to see how much further you get next month.

Love Mommy

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