Monday, August 21, 2006

5 Months: Where is the time going?

Dear Otis,

You turned five months old yesterday, I can't believe it. Last night was the first night I spent away from you. Our friends Corey and Sarah were married yesterday. We had a great time. You had a sleepover at Teta K's and kept them on their toes. We got a call because you were having a meltdown after two full feeds. We told them to keep on feeding you and you would eventually stop this has happened before to us, that was the answer then. I did pretty good and resisted the urge to go get you.

This month has been so busy, we are in the full swing of Summer. On July 23 we had your baptism at the Slovak Church to honor Bubba and Dedo. We also brought you to meet them at the cemetery on that day. They would have loved you to bits. Zizi Miranda bought you a tuxedo onsie. It is great except for the first five times or so you wore it you had a blow out within ten minutes of us putting it on you.

After the baptism we spent a week at nona's and visited with her. Zizi Miranda was home from Canmore for the week. It was a lot of fun. On the way home Zizi Miranda and I stopped at Ikea. What we didn't realize when we left was that the visor of your car seat was down. By the time we got to Ikea you had a little bit if a sun Burn. We called you Toasty O for a few days.

During the week you went swimming a few times in the pool but you especially loved to swim in the Hot Tub. We had you in your blow up turtle where you were kicking like a little duck. Everytime your feet hit a seat of the tub you would take off, you had a great time.

While we were at nona's there were a couple of first for you. You tried cereal for the first time and loved it. I was told to give it a try even tough it was a bit early to see if you would take it. I held the spoon in front of you and you dove for the spoon. I guess you were ready. You also found your feet and now spend time with them in you mouth.

We were supposed to go on a trip out east at the beginning of August to a music festival and visit Auntie Jazin the end we decided against it. Your still a bit to little for that kind of a road trip. It turns out we made a great decision you cut your first tooth on August 2, 2006. The same day we would have been on the road heading to Moncton.

Daddy had his first true vacation in two years. We went to Owen Sound to visit Our Friends Ryan, Jade and Harper. You were really good and we had a lot of fun. The day we got home from our little trip you cut your second tooth. Both you and Daddy got a cold or something that made you both congested and coughy.

On the Thursday of Daddy's vacation Jasmine called to tell us she had called off her wedding and she was coming to Ontario for a visit to get away and think. So within 16 hours we were on our way to the airport to pick her up for her 10 day visit.

She brought you a stuffed Lobster which we have named Rock, as in Rock Lobster the B52's song. Her Visit was a bit of a party, She had us going. The first night she was here we ended up putting you into the kitchen at the Jane Bond while we stayed out to the wee hours. Through out the week we had you out many times passed your bedtime, but as usual you slept where ever you were.

Jasmine is a great sewer so I decided what a good time to get couch covers made for Buba's couches and if I was going to get covers I might as well paint the living room. You will get to know this about me I am a bit spontaneous about this stuff. I hope you are the same way it makes for a lot of adventures and many different room Colours.

This passed week while we were out for lunch we had you at the table with us and learned you now like to slap the table. Then we realized you like to smack whatever is in you path including My drum which you were playing ealier.

Today we brought you for your first stroll along Queen Street West in Toronto. Mommy's old stomping Ground. I spent Ten Years of my life Living in Toronto and I hope you too have a chance to live somewhere big and exciting. Live Life to its fullest Otis you can only do it once, so you might as well be happy while you go.

I love you,


P.S. you also learned how to blow bubbles.

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