Wednesday, May 03, 2006

6 Weeks

Wow, I suck at the posting. Things are going really good here with Little Otis. He is getting so big well over 13 Lbs. already. Most babies gain 1/2 a pound a week not Otis he gains a pound. The good thing is the rest of his body is growing at the same rate and he isn't over weight for his size. He is doing so well such a content baby. He is laughing and very aware of the world around him. We have been to restaurants, on car trips and shopping he could not care less what we are doing or where we are going. He also doesn't mind being passed around and doesn't play strange. Dave is an awesome dad and he helps out so much and on his days off he will get up with him during the night. Last night I got 6 straight hours of sleep I coud not believe it when I woke up and it was daylight outside. He is still getting up 2 time a night, the first at around three is not bad I usually fall asleep with him on me during the 6 am wake up.

Lost is on, I should be going.

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