Wednesday, April 05, 2006

April 05, 2006

Well they weren’t kidding time is traveling at warp speed. Otis is two and a half weeks old already. Things I want to remember about him at this age

• The little sighs he makes while he is sleeping.
• The birdie lips he makes
• How he already hold his head up for extended periods of time.
• The little songs Dave makes up about him
• His little hat I had made was a hit and all the nurses loved it.
• When we swaddle him and call him a baby burrito
• How much he loves the bath
• How it feels to have this little person sleeping on you when he doesn’t want to be in his own bed
• How loving Dave is to our little boy and how they look perfect together watching their first baseball game
• The first time we put him in the swing and had to barricade it with blanket because he was too small and would fall forward
• How good he slept through his first trip to a restaurant

We are doing well even getting up at night isn’t that bad. Pumping can be a bit of a pain but I will do what I have to do. Hopefully he can pick up the breast feeding thing eventually, I will keep on trying

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