Monday, July 06, 2009

Strawberry Lumpy Drizzle 2009

That's what the label would read is I were that organised. I couldn't even find enough jars that were the same size. However, Otis and I spent the better part Friday night making jam/sauce/drizzle. which ever you prefer to call it. I call it awesome.

Otis played with his new pirate ship most of the time. good thing being there was knife or hear involved for the majority of time. He got to mash, and pour the sugar and lemon juice.

It was really easy.

I am not really sure where I got the basic proportions some recipe online somewhere. They all basically read the same. I made a few adjustments as it really didn't need to set completely. I was aiming for a good balance between thick and saucy.

Loopeeeee's Strawberry Lumpy Drizzle

A whole lot of mashed strawberries 9 - 10 cups
Six on the small side cups of sugar (small side =not leveled & not heaping)
1/4 cup & a bit more 3 times (to taste)

1. Put the 9 cups of strawberries in the pot and add sugar
2. Mix together and taste. If you find it to sweet add the remaining cup of berries. Don't add anymore. then there wouldn't be enough sugars to cause the berries to bind.
3. Add 1/4 of lemon juice. It's amazing how much the lemon juice cut the sugar.
4. Fiddle with the lemon juice until you get what you want it to taste like. this is the Bit three more times.
5. Bring to a boil and simmer stir while cleaning your fridge. Pay as close attention to the boil while you add the rotting stuff to the compost bowl.
6. Funnel into sterilized jars and then process the jars for 10 plus minutes. Enough time to do the dishes and run the compost out.
7. Remove Jars and listen for the pops.

It seemed really similar to the recipe I used for freezer jam a few years back. I am a bit concerned about it's shelf life. The jars popped right after I took them put of the pot from processing them.

I will just have to keep an eye on it.
This recipe made 4 x 500ml, 6 x 250 ml, 1 x 125ml jars. For the organised person this would mean approx. 16 250 ml. jars.

Saturday morning Otis and were in the North end we stopped at St. Jacobs to get Yummy bread to go with the jam. We had it for breakfast that morning after we ran a few errands before 9:30 am. It was a great start to a productive day.

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