Friday, November 21, 2008


To the person to Decided My Cat was their Business.

Dear Neighbour,

Have the Balls to leave your name when writing such an insulting letter and find out the whole story.

Yes my cat was out side during the day crying. She cries all day inside or out. If she didn't want to be outside she wouldn't do everything in her power to be outside.

You assumed no one was home during the times she is outside but you were wrong. See what happens when you assume. My husband has injured his knee and has been home the whole time.

She is a wild little cat. I feel as she gets older and fixed she will mellow out.

In your letter you made it sound as if my cat is outside day and night and that is -30 degrees out.

It hasn't gone below -5 yet and she is a cat with fur. A winter coat at that. Animals grow them you know.

We have never left her out overnight and if she were that cold the garage is open to seek shelter.

bottom line is it is NONE of your Business.

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