Thursday, November 27, 2008

Long Overdue - 32 Month Letter

Dear Otis

I don't even know where to begin. I have typed many lines and the erased them. The first part of this months was consumed by Halloween activities which were a lot of fun.

We also went to the Starlight for the D.I.Y. Zine Fair and Bowling for Auntie Jazz and Charless birthday party. You wore your Thomas warm up suit. We called it your bowling outfit. Now every time you wear it you want to go bowling. I took down your bowling pins that have been on a shelf since you were born. We also went to ToySoup to get you a small ball so you can bowl at home. You thought that was pretty cool and had to bowl before bed for about a week. Recently you did ask us if we could go out to bowling.

November rolled in with our 5 year anniversary. Not much else was happening. We came and went from work and daycare. Life was pretty regular. I made our budget and made a small dent in the Christmas shopping.

November week two was also coasting quite well. On the Thursday I got a call from my mom. My Dad's Uncle Joe had passed away. Otis and I went down that night so I could go to the Funeral. I was hoping we would be able to go meet my cousin Joey's baby Marcello and a trip to Ikea.

The day of the Funeral was very nice. The weather was the nicest it had been in weeks. I had quite the Migraine. I managed to shake it off for the most part. You and I went to Nono's for the afternoon. At around 5pm Daddy called that he had hurt his knee and he was going to the hospital.

Nono, Nana and Gabe were heading up to Elmira the next day for a hockey tournament. I left you there with them for the night and headed back to Kitchener. On the way I had to stop at Zellers to get Advil as my headache came back. It was so bad that I ended up throwing up in the washroom there. I got back on the road and then had to stop and take a nap as my eyes were shutting.
By the time I got to Kitchener Daddy was back from the hospital with a brace from his groin to his ankle. You call it the "Boo boo Brace". He has been off work for two weeks now and a minimum of 6 more at this point. There is no bone damage but we still don't know how much tendon and Ligament damage there is.

On the Saturday you went to ZiZi Gabes Hockey game and they dropped you off after lunch. They told us you did very well at the game. That night we went back to the arena for the next game. We drove home in a snow storm and it hasn't stopped sowing since.

Nona and Nana came by for a visit the next day. You and Nana rode your plasma car We also had the gang over for Sunday dinner. After dinner we went to play music. Your most favorite past time these days. Most of the month has been consumed with playing music. If we ask you what song you want to play you usually answer with Bon Jovi.

This month you have begun to want to draw and play with play dough. Up until now you didn't really care about either. We have spent a lot of time doing both. You have me "make" (Draw) different letters. One day you had me make an O and then an S and then a T and then and I. you can Almost spell your name in order now. Daddy spelled the word T O Y one day and you said "yeah toys". How???

Your Imagination is growing by leaps and bounds. I here you making up little stories with you toys. You also have fallen in love with playing Hockey in the living room and making castles out of your wooden blocks.

You and I have been doing very well getting you to and from Roses and Getting Daddy to all the appointments he needs to go to.

This pretty much sums up the month.
Christmas season Start soon. Can't wait to see what happens then.

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