Saturday, June 28, 2008

27 Months Old

Dear Otis,

We have been living in the house for about four weeks now . Our house is livable. There are still things everywhere.

The camera has been dug out and we have been on the Go. There have been lots of exciting things happening for you. Home Depot had become your favorite place to go. You were asking us to go there everyday. Most Days we actually did have to pick something up so we went . We could not figure out why you loved ti there so much until the day you said "Home Depot Depot Car". The Shopping carts, you loved riding in the shopping carts. Why didn't we think of that.

Papa and I had made a trip there for a list of things. When we were there we found an orange swing shaped like a car the "Home Depot Depot Swing" Papa bought it for you. Ever since we got it you don't ask for Home Depot depot anymore because you have a car of your own.

Nona came for a visit. The two of you had a blast as usual. The two of you worked on the gardening. We now have a front garden, two pretty pots on the deck and a herb garden by the shed.

We bought wood for your shand box the day we found the swing. After I shellacked it Papa and Dada built you the sand box You woke up from your nap and magic there it was. Your new sand box. Awhile back auntie Andy gave us a bag of old metal trucks. I put then away for when you got a sand box. All I had to do was find them.

Uncle Sean brought Auntie Andy horse back riding for her birthday. we would go for your first pony ride that day. We had to drive Dada to work so I decided we would go to the market and see if we could find any yard sales. We went to two. we found a bag of Fisher price Little people for $2 there were at least 20 people in the bag. Wow, So many of your toys fit these people. You/I have a lot of vintage f\Fisher Price. I have a bit of a weakness. There are certain items that stay on shelves as they are in great condition and becoming more rare.

The whole day of the pony you kept on asking about a pony ride like you go for a pony ride every week. as a distraction you and I filled up your pool for the afternoon and then had a nap. Your nap ran a bit late and I thought we were going to be late for your pony ride. It was closer then I expected and we made it in time.

You had so much fun on the pony that we had to leave to get more money for another ride. tHE timing worked out perfect as Uncle Sean and the group were not back from their ride and wanted to see you ride the pony. While we were waiting for then to get back we went for a walk on the property. We saw a lot of horses and even a rooster that was coca-doodle doing regularly.

After we got back from the ride Auntie Jazz and Coo Coo came over and the two of you had a quick swim and we stayed out under the tree.

You are starting to speak much more clearly. Some days you even say Baby Curtis There are still times we have to play a guessing game. Thank - you for being so patient while we figure out what you are saying. Your definitely have your moments as a two year old. Most times you are either tired or hungry to cause a melt down. thou they are n that bad compared to other melt downs I have seen,

Anytime I think of it we say words together. Mostly we do this in the car going to pick up Daddy. One thing we do is count to ten in English, French, Italian and Spanish You like this set of repeating a lot you will repeat back for a while when we count . you even get upset when I stop counting.

The Stairs haven't been a problem. You like jumping from the top of the stairs into our arms when we are on the landing. We are definitely settling into summer nicely this year. Sooner then we know it we will be going to the pumpkin patch.

I love very Much



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