Tuesday, February 19, 2008

23 Months

Dear Otis,

One more month until you are two. We have been telling you that it is going to be your birthday soon and you are going to be two. When we ask you if it is going to be your birthday you say "yep".

You blew my mind a few days ago. We were working on cleaning up your toys. We started with your puzzles. I started with the one I knew you could do. I had know idea you were able to finish all of the puzzles. There are puzzles for 4 and up and you did them all by yourself. You are also a climbing monkey. I find you on top of all kinds of things these days. In bookshelves, on Bookshelves, in the window sills, on the Bed on the toilet on the cedar chest. If you could I am sure you would climb the walls.

I crack up almost daily these days. If you find something funny you will laugh at it and then announce that it was funny. Your words coming along. At night we go through some books and I ask you to repeat the items on the page. We also go over the alphabet on a regular basis. you can repeat the whole thing back to me. Over the last couple of weeks the alphabet song has been coming along. When you first started to sing the song it went "A B D D D D D". Almost all the letters were D's. Now through out the songs more letters are recognizable most of the way through.

The weather has been awful tones of snow and very cold. We went out on Sunday to go do groceries and we had to turn back it was so Icy I couldn't get up the side walk with you we almost fell.

We have begun looking for a house. We had a real Gem slip away. Maybe the next one. I have a feeling this may take awhile. Auntie Jazz had her Baby. His name is Curtis. You love the baby. The very first time you saw him you wanted to hold him. He is a pretty good baby just like you were.

It blows my mind that you were actually that small and the incapable. We had a great photo shoot the Day before Curtis was born. You were all over that.

Mommy was really sick this month. I had Tonsillitis. I was sure it was never going away. I felt like I was on an Airplane for a week.

Some of the words this month
Cooy - Cookie
shoot - Soup
peeba - Pizza
ddd - Dvd
Annnnny - Andy
Mooy - Movie
dd - cd
Dut - Duck

Still no plans for your birthday. I have no idea what to do. We will see. I feel like such a slacker these days. I don't know if it is the winter, living in this full apartment. not enough hours in the day, etc. It is probably o combination of things. I am definitely ready for some life changes. I feel like we have all been in limbo for a while now.

But this too will pass. You really brighten up my day. At the end of a day of work I can not wait to pick you up from Rose's. If daddy and I are both in the car we both go get you because we can not decide who gets to see you first.

I love you very much,

Love Mama

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