Saturday, October 20, 2007

19 Months

Dear Otis,

Your are old enough to drink. Daddy brought you home Timbits for your birthday. I think you sucked on one of the old fashioned plain for awhile. We also went out for dinner to Ethel's your favorite joint.

Thanks Giving was this month we went to Nona's. Papa and Granny came for dinner. We brought home a whole Turkey Breast. Nona cooked a 24Lb. for 6 people. It is in the freezer for when we want to have an inpromtu turkey dinner.

You stayed over at Nanny's last month when Daddy and I went to a friend's wedding. You also got to visit with your cousin T.J. he is walking now. He is the first baby I have seen that walks bull legged. It is so cute.

You have been really good. I wonder when those terrible two's are coming. I am hoping they just don't get here. However I can see little glimpses of them. We were walking from the parking lot to our apartment and you decided you didn't want to go on the direction we were going, so you litterly collapsed to the ground in protest. It looked really funny kind of like when a person is break dancing the snake it was one smooth motion or you stomp your feet in protest.

The biting has pretty much stopped unless you are sleepy or get really excited. You have started to slap us if we pick you up from something you want to be doing. The strangest behaviour development has been the head butting. You head butt us on the head, leg, whatever body part is available. You also started to bang your head continuously against the back of the car seat. I am not sure why we try to ignore it for the most part.

We were able to spend two weekends in a row with you with out having to travel. I got the house cleaning caught up, we played a whole bunch, went for long walks and I even got to cook without you wanting my constant attention. It was amazing.

We had a full week where we stayed caught up on everything and had a pretty clean apartment. I have started trying to get you to help clean. this works for about 4 things and then you dump 10. You think it is funny and run off.

You have been trying to splash puddles, the only problem is you lift your foot and stomp with you toes which doesn't make enough contact with the water and you don't get the splash you are looking for. I caught you just in time before you sat in it.

Sticks and twigs have been fun. We have several collected were we park at Rose's place and a few in the front hallway. The trees by our place have very small leaves when you are able to pick up a whole bunch at once and then you throw them.

Off the top of me head I can only think of three new words this month. But I am sure there are about 30. AWm - Arm, eye, EE - ear. We have been working on identifying the body parts can you tell. You also got new batteries for your truck and you found a little button you had never used before that says something like " and do you know who else is my friend you" and after every time you hear you you say "heoo". So I guess that means four words.

Somedays you sit playing or what ever saying "um ok, um ok, um ok" It is so cute and cracks me up. You are getting way better at talking on the phone and not hanging up. you even sit on the phone when no one is there having a great conversation with whoever you think you are talking to.

Uncle Sean watched you one morning and dressed you like a golfer. The picture with the red striped shirt and the check pants. He sent me an email at work for warning me about the outfit and boy was he right.

I finished your new hat it is Michael Angelo the ninja turtle. People everywhere stop me about it. You even can get it on your head the right way here and there. Most times it looks like a flapper hat from the twenties because the bandanna tie is in the front.

I have collected all of the stuff for your Halloween costume. Now I just have to put it together. We were going to go as a group but I ran out of time to make all three of us one. You and Daddy are going to get dressed up instead. I can't wait to see it on you two.

The pumpkin patch is still to come.

Oh yeah and now instead of calling me "MAAAA" you can say "Mom".

I love very much Peanut Butter. I have no idea how or when I started calling you this but we will see what I move onto next.



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