Friday, August 24, 2007

17 Months

Dear Otis.

This past month has been hard as a parent. You have been out of sorts for the last week or so. I can see deep down you are trying to be happy but just not quite up to it.

You spent a week at Nona's, when we were leaving you ran to the door started crying and called for DaDa. I could see this was hard for your Dad. The day you came back you were shipped off to the Doctor's for your shots which I think were part of the culprit. It could be a growth spurt or your teething. I think you are growing a second row of teeth.

You have grown very attached to me and don't like going to bed or to daycare. I wish I didn't have to leave you. It takes a toll on me having to leaving my crying boy.

We have had a lot of fun this month too. We have gone to the park a few times rember the ducks swaring us. We went to the farm where you saw cows and a horse and your first music festival. You have spent a lot of time swimming at Nona's. She Says you are coming along with your swimming and not holding on as tight. Maybe in the fall if I can find a program in the evenings we will join swimming.

Rose is on vacation next week so you and I are going to Nona's for the week. I hope by me going with you. You won't feel abandoned and life around here can start getting back to normal. Whatever normal is.

I love you a whole bunch, Love


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