Wednesday, June 20, 2007

15 months

Dear Otis,

This month I shot over 300 pictures of you. We have had a lot of fun this month. The day before last I showed you some animals and said the sounds they make. Last night we were playing on the floor, I was saying "a cow goes moo" you would repeat back "Baa" I would say "no a cow says Moo" you would say "baa" I asked you if you could go get the cow. You left and a few minutes later you came back holding a cow. I was blown away.

We have travelled almost every weekend this month except for the weekend we went to the park with Lisa and Emmy.

You have had you first vacation from us. Nona and ZiZi Miranda say you had a lot of fun.

We brought you to the beach in Port Dalhousie a few weeks back. You weren't feeling to well and by the time we went to the carousel you were looking a bit purple. You had a bit of a fever. With a little dinner and a cool bath we were able to get the fever down.

You were so well behaved at the very large wedding we attended. I think you grew almost an inch while you were away in Niagara Falls. Your hair is growing well I wonder when you will get your first hair cut. I want to try and wait as long as possible.

Your mumbling is starting to become a bit more clearer but no major sentences yet. When I count to three it sound like you are counting too.

You love to sing,, every morning on the way to home care you sit in the back seat singing "La la la" or humming away. We have a few more weekends of travelling and then we will get to spend our first weekend home together. I miss so much, being able to take you for long Saturday walks.

I have some other news for you. Daddy got a promotion at work and we are going to be able to spend at least every Sunday together. Mommy and Daddy have been working with different days off for the last few months and now we will be guaranteed one day a week we can spend together as a family. Yeah!!!!

My Favorite things:

  • The way you reach for my hand when we walk from the car to our apartment.
  • The way you squat like a little boy, and the way you sit on your feet.
  • Washing your hands in the sink while you are on the step stool.
  • Our little singing sessions.
  • You giving me zurberts (especially on my knees).
  • When we ask you where your belly button is and you lift your belly to see.
  • When I offer you a bite of toast in the morning and you walk across the room with your mouth wide open saying "Ahhhh".
  • The way you pull the clothes off the orange chair so you can climb up and sit in it.

You have also started to climb up into the window sill from the couch. The window is one of your favorite places. You like "falling" (holding my hand) onto the seat of the couch.

Every once in a while I get a glimpse of the life I have ahead of me with a little boy. I think we are going to need a jungle gym and a lot of Nerf for padding.

I love you,


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