Sunday, May 20, 2007

14 months

Wow fourteen months and growing. This passed month was a big one. You are walking, not just a few steps almost running now. When you started to walk you would only try to walk to something if you knew you could make it. Every step almost seemed calculated. Your dad and I had been getting you to walk to each other and you would maybe would take a step or two. While we were sitting in front of the couch, you crawled over to the fridge stood up and walked about ten steps or so over to the oven. We sat in awe and cheered you on. Over the next few days you started to walk longer and longer distances. So for Future reference you started walking on April 27, 2007.

Mommy's cousin Jessica is having a baby in July. You and I went to the baby shower Aunt Toni threw for her. We Gave her a whole bunch of your favorite things as a gift.

Mommy made your new little cousin a little ninja like the one you have and I knit a little red hat. I hope he likes his hat as much as you like wearing the hats I make for you. While we were in Niagara for the shower we were able to visit with Nona. We had you outside for a lot and you just loved it.

Before the shower we stopped by to see Nana and Zizi Gabe. Nono and Zizi Teresa were working. Zizi Teresa had left a gift at home for you. It was a wooden set of the four food groups of food. You have played with them quite a bit since you got them. For the longest time I couldn't figure out how you were getting so many of them in your castle every time you played with them until I realized that you were dropping them in from one of the castle windows. You truly crack me up most of the time.

Spaghetti Monster

We went to the park a bunch of times this month and we tried out the swing for the first time since last year. At first you seemed to like it but once you were really swinging you wanted out. I think next time we will take it a bit easier on the swing and build you up to the really high swinging. We also went to the midwifery Fundraising BBQ at the Hospital. Michelle our midwife could not believe how big you are. That same day I gave you a Mohawk while putting on your sun block you had the thing for two full days until your bath. Not one hair strayed.

When I was pregnant with you Uncle Sean's car was set on fire, which basically melted our car. I wrote about in your pregnancy journal. Anyway it was in our parking lot, a few weeks back our door was scratched and the side mirror was hit off. Anyway it will be fixed soon. We spent a bit of time in the car waiting for Daddy to fill out the paper work at the reporting station. Good thing I had the camera.

You still love to read your books. You can tell us whole gibberish stories. You have added a few words to your vocabulary:

puuppppp - puppy
upppaaahhhh - up
nah nah - knock knock
Dah - two
ba ba - bye bye (with a wave)
and you can sign the word - More

You also were down for a few days this month. What a week that was. I got a call that Rose who thought you had pink eye. While I was working on a project to be competed before the interview I had the next day. Off to the Hospital we go, we were going to need to make sure you are not contagious before we can bring you back to home care.

Auntie Jazz came with us. I was able to get a few things done on the laptop while we waited. The rest was done late into the night and early in the morning. Grandpa John came down to take care of you for the day and brought you out for lunch to his favorite place Lucy's. By the end of the week you had a great big scab on you face from all the moisture. We were putting Vaseline on your face but we missed the part right under you eye. It is amazing how fast a baby's skin heals compared to as we get older.

On the Friday of the May 24 I found out I got the promotion. Also Daddy had the whole weekend off I was such a great time. Granny and Grandpa brought there trailer to Bingamin's which is right down the street from where daddy works we got to hang out and you went on a slide for the first time you really got a kick out if it.

Oh yeah and you got two more molars with the pink eye. Every time you get that sick you end up cutting teeth.

Not many more to go I hope we get to make it through some with out a sickness.

Love Mommy