Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Lucky Number 13th Month

Dear Otis,

Busy busy as usual. During this month, there was a trip to the hospital, a trip to Whitby, The 1st. Annual Family Birthday Event and a visit from nono.

Mommy and Daddy both turned 31 this month also. For mommy's birthday Auntie Jas, our friend Dave, you and I all went for fish & chips at Angels one of our favorite Breakfast joints. Dave and Auntie Jas have a f&c club, they go to local restaurants and rate their f&c experience. We have taken part in a few of the dinners. This one rated around 6.5. We were originally heading to a f&c place called Joey's which is well known and has won many local titles for the best F&C's. They were so busy we had to settle for the next closest restaurant. You had your first f&c Dinner. One of the best things about Angel's is that the kids eat free. You really like the fish and coleslaw.

Daddy's birthday wasn't so fun. The day before his birthday was good Friday, Nono, Nana, Zizi Teresa & Zizi Gabe came over for a visit. They brought you great trucks with Handles on them to help you push them. By mid day you were starting to get congested and slept quite a bit. You were in bed by about 8:30pm early for you and around 10:30 you woke up sounding like a seal. It seemed like you couldn't breath. So off we went to the ER. The good thing was that they were not busy and we went straight in to the beds. You little guy, had croup. They gave you steroids which still freaks me out a bit to help with the swelling in your throat.

The next day was Daddy's birthday he went to work for the day and off we went to Whitby for Easter. You still weren't up to par. We were all very tired but I did take daddy out to uncle Roger's for a few beers. There was no way he wasn't at least going out for an hour or so. We stayed out far to late because as soon as we got home you were up and had a hard time sleeping. Easter was nice you did get to visit with a lot of family and we finally met your third cousin T.J. He is a cute little guy and you gave him lots of hugs.

I was supposed to work on the Monday but after three days of no sleep and you still not feeling well. I stayed home for the next two days. Nona was called in for back up and made you better. I am sure it was just a matter of the sickness running its course. I am sure glad to have that over. I swore you grew two inches during that week . You also ended up cutting two very big molars. So as they say when it rains it pours.

It was great having Nona here, she helped get everything ready for the birthday event. The party it self wasn't as big as we had planned but we did end up having a great time. Harper came to visit with his parents. You guys played a whole lot.

You have discovered a will this month. I don't know if it comes with the territory or that you are picking these things up from home care but it is not fun. We are really hoping that you learn how to talk soon to help with the Ahhhhhs and EHHHHHS you are using right now.

You used to love having your diaper changed, now not so much. I have given up on trying to change you on your change table and have better luck on the floor. I give myself extra time to dress you.

You are really close to walking but not there yet. Your little knees are getting really callused from all the speed crawling, hopefully next month.

Beer Bottles are still the best thing ever in your world. I wonder what that means for the future. All I can wish for is a happy and healthy child. Other then the few basic illnesses all is well. I am so happy to have such a wonderful little guy.
Love, Mommy
PS. There was a Friday the 13th during your 13th Month.

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