Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday

Hey there little boy,

You are the big 1, as usual time is flying by. I have returned to work this month which means we have begun the crazy run around. Turns out things haven't gone as planned (they never do) and I have had to go back to work full time.

You started going to home care this month and really seem to like it. Daddy and I were sad that we had to bring you and that we weren't able to keep you home with us a little longer. Daddy even shed a few tears the day we took you. Rose is the lady who takes care of you she is a little spitfire from New Foundland. On your first day there she could not believe you have never been to a sitters before by how well you had behaved and how easy going you are. That day you fell asleep in her arms. Rose's neighbour is also a home care provider so there are always a bunch of kids around.

Your daddy and I feel like we are constantly running these days. Home care is in the opposite direction from either of our works and not on a bus route which makes things a bit difficult. Between that and me not having parking at work we have had to come up with a creative solution. On days that daddy works later then I do, he leaves work to pick me up. I in turn drop him back off at work and then get you. Depending on what time he finishes we either run an errand (which seem never ending these days) or go home. If Someone is around to stay with you I run out to get him by myself. If not we hop back into the car and pick him up.

So to sum things up during the first year of your life you were maybe in the car once a week now I feel we are in and out of the car every five minutes. Hopefully soon daddy and I will be able to sync up our schedules so we can actually have days off together. We miss each other and being able to spend full days with you.

On St. Patty's day we had your 1st Birthday party. We had a lot of fun and hope you did to. You were given some great gifts. You had a pink pig for you first cake. I have probably told you this before but I am not a fan of pink for clothes of anything else for that matter. But I did decided that every little boy needs a Pig cake at some point so it might as well be your first. In our family it is a tradition to let a baby do what ever they like to their first cake. You being the gentle boy that you are just poked at it and ate the icing. Serves me right for teaching you how to eat so well. Nona, Daddy and I ended up having the cake fight. Two hours to decorate minutes to destroy. Nona stayed the night and your daddy and I got to go out together for the first time in a long time.

For the first two weeks of me being back to work you were able to stay home with a wide array of people watching you. Daddy had you both Monday and Tuesday, Uncle Sean and Auntie Andy had you for the rest of the first week and Nona came up for the rest of the second week. I think this might have helped with the transition from being away from me, or I think you just couldn't care less. When I would leave for work I would say bye and you would wave.

On your actual birthday Daddy and I must have sang happy birthday to you at least 20 times. I still can not believe how fast time is passing and how much our lives have changed yet still remain the same.

I spent a few days leading up to your birthday reminiscing about the last year. It is true as time passes the mommy brain kicks in and you forget about the hard times. I can't really complain you are a pretty good baby and quite independent. Does this mean I would want to do it again? In a heart beat. Will we do it again? Only time will tell.

Love, Mommy

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