Thursday, September 21, 2006

Happy 1/2 Birthday

Dear Otis,

I can not believe the year I get to spend with you is half over, you have grown so much. You are so cute I want to squish you with love (Cheese). You crack me up, right now you are playing in your exersaucer singing dee dee dee and clapping your hands. Theses are two of the things you discovered this month. You spend a good chunk of your time in the exersaucer or on the floor. This week you began to travel backwards across the room and usually end up under the table. You are getting really close to crawling. You are almost able to lift you torso off the ground and get really frustrated when you move away from the toys you are trying to get.

This month feels like it went by even faster then the rest, I have a feeling they are only going to get faster. I had you weighed last week and you weigh twenty pounds. which means you have gained 3 pounds in the last two months. Thank goodness you have levelled off. I was worried you weren't going to slow down. Your weight gain was so rapid in the beginning.

Just today you figured out how to wave. you hold your little hand up and open and close your fingers. When I repeat what you are doing you smile and play shy. You also have been singing a bit more and really like to screach in this very high pitch noise that is funny at first but starts to hurt my ears after the first ten minutes or so. You can go for a long time especially when you are really happy.

You still really love you bath time and get a kick out of the little toys that blow bubbles in the water and start to giggle. You also get some good giggling in when we zerbert you belly or your side. You're ticklish in the same spot Daddy is.

Qbert has become a great source of entertainment for you. You like to crab him and pull thank goodness he is mild mannered and could not care less. I am constantly pulling piles of his hair out of your hands.

This morning we brought you for your six month shots. you did so well only cried for a little bit and then you were happy as ussual. I think we are going to have a rough day though. It looks like you are teething today along with the after affects of the shots. You have four teeth the two you got this month were on top but not the middle ones the ones right next to them. I wonder when the middle ones are going to come in.

All in all you are a happy baby, you are very agreeable and love to just hang out. This month you began eating carrots and sweet potatoes. At first when I put the carrots in your mouth you gagged them out several times. I eventually figured out that if I mixed it with your cereal you would eat it. After that you ate it with out a problem. I started to feed you apple sauce this morning but decided it was a bit much for an already eventful day. I will try again in a few days.

Earlier this month we brought you bowling fo the first time you really could not care less but mommy and daddy had a great time. We also brought you to your first buskers festival. We had a lot of fun. I love being able to walk down the middle of the street. I am sure you will to once you can walk.

Emily had her first birthday party this month and you were a great little guy. You had a nap in the middle of the room while there were all kinds of people around. It amazed everyone how you were able to do that. Mommy has made it a point to let you have your naps everywhere and not always in your crib so that you would be able to sleep anywhere. Lisa and I brought you and Emily out to lunch. You truly enjoyed eating the table it was the perfect height for you to chew on.

Zizi Teresa turned 16. I remember when I was little we would say stuff like when Teresa turns 16 I will be 30. Wow it is already here and for good measure. When you turn 16 I will be 46. I can't belive that some day I am going to be 46 looking and my little boy ready to get his drivers license.

Zizi Miranda called to tell me she was out of debt. She has been in Canmore for 17 months working on payng her debt off and she has now done that. Yeah for her!!!!!

Nona has come to visit a few times this month we are going to here house for you first Thanks Giving. Next year you will be ablte to eat the turkey. This year just the sweet potatoes. On one of her visits she brought you a little brown rocking chair that was my chair when I was a baby. I am so happy she kept it for my children i loved that chair and I hope ou like to use it too.

I am working on getting you to turn your Dee Dee Dee into Dada, lets see if we can do it by next month.

I love you Baby O

Luv Mommy

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