Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Three Months

Dear Otis,

Three months have passed and we are all doing fine. You now sleep ten hours a night and have a great time during the day. This passed week we had a prenatal class reunion, you were the biggest baby by over a pound and were the only one who sleeps throught the night. We can't and don't complain. We definitely brag, I hope it doesn't come and bite us in the butt. Sometimes when you sleep you make the rawk sign with you fingers. I have tried to curb the finger sucking but you are always eating them. I will still work at it. Nona thinks you are teething. I felt inside you mouth and there is a little bump and lots of drool. We will see when it pops out.

This month the world cup of soccer has started. I got you an exersaucer and as soon as you figured out how, you had turned and started to watch the soccer game.

You also started to have conversations with the caterpillar on your change table. Everytime we change you, you turn your body to the caterpillar and tell him about your day. On June 10th Nono and Marietta's anniversary, I had you on your stomach and you rolled over. I tried to get you to do it again and you haven't.

You went to another party, It was uncle Sean and aunt Andy's 30th birthdays, you slept through most of it as usually. Around ten or so at night you squawk a little in your bouncy usually we put your plug in and you are fine however at this time of night it won't due so after a couple of nights I realized that if I put you in your crib you pass out til morning. You also Travelled in you cirb a week or so ago. You started in the middle of the crib and ended at the end turned arounf under you mobile.

You also have started to hold things and watch your hands as you do it. It is fun watching you do this it is as though I can see the wires connecting in you brain.

Daddy had his first father's day this month you got him a hoodie, DVD and undies and you signed you first card. Grandpa, Granny and teta Kathy came for lunch.

So in a short 30 days you have made a lot of progress, to be cont'd next month.

Love Mommy

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