Friday, May 19, 2006

Two Months Already

Dear Otis,

I can't believe you are even here, let alone you are already two months old. You have already become such an independent little guy. You smile all the time and are a very content baby. You only cry when you are hungry and sometimes when you need to be changed. You like just about everything we do with you. We can go out for dinner and you just hang out in your stroller.

We have discovered the best toy for you, we attach a balloon to you wrist and you have a great time. You spend a great deal of you time in the bouncy seat just looking around and checking out the world especially the fan above you which we have on a low speed and works as a mobile. You personality cracks me up. I wish I could read your mind and know what you were thinking.

You're looks have changed a great deal. Some days you look more like me and others like your dad. In a few days we bring you for your first shots, I hope all goes well.

This passed month we spent a few days visiting with nona and she had a shower for you. You got a whole lotta loot. You also got to meat your zi zi Miranda a couple of weeks ago she has fallen in love with you. And will miss you a lot.

You are growing so fast I never know if the clothes I pick out are going to fit. Thank goodness you have a couple of older cousins that have been sending you clothes from B.C.

This month you were featured in a local Zine Ctpllr as the person in the Neighbourhood Aunt Andy and I had a photo shoot with you little skull shirt on, you let us pose you how ever we wanted it was great.

On your two month birthday we brought you out to your first party. Our friend Kate turned thirty. You were so good slept pretty much the whole time other than to be changed and fed. There was a tone of noise and you could not care less. I hope this keeps up and we can continue to take us where ever we go.

I can't wait to see what next month brings

Love Mommy

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