Monday, January 23, 2006

Monday Mornings

I think the nesting has begun. I spent Saturday Shopping collecting some of the things from the Nursery list. By the end of shopping my feet were so sore I was going to call it a night. While sitting in front of the T.V. watching tivo'd X-files. I decided to start and empty the office.

Several hours later all office furniture had been dispersed through out the apartment. I was very close to a breakdown, things were not fitting as planned. A little patience and the livingroom puzzle was complete. All except the cedar chest I was going to use as a coffee table doesn't have a proper back and that plan was nixed.

Sunday I was at Baby Emily's Baptism, she looked so cute. Once I got home I spent the next several hours listing close to 40 Items on eBay. Several to go, then one more item to check off the Before Coconut Comes List.

I kept the ball rolling this morning, picked up paint for the thriftstore bookshelf find, went to the bank, Mailed a letter, Voted in today's election, Had an ultrasound of coconut(pictures to follow), went for breakfast with D. (mmmm yummy Angel's breakfast) and was off to work.

wow, I am tired just thinking about it.

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