Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Few and Far Between

I had all intentions to post on a more regular basis. I am in full nesting mode and can't stop doing things around the house. I painted a book shelf and counter this weekend. I also have spent a lot of time getting through the list of things I wanted to get done before the coconut comes. One of the largest projects that I am half way through is scanning all the wedding photos and creating a back up. I figure I have about five more hours and should have the last 300 pictures done. In the grand scheme of all of our photos this is such a small amount of time left I must have scanned and cropped well over 1500 pictures.

We are having The Before Baby Bash this weekend. I am looking forward to seeing a bunch of people I haven't seen since I have been pregnant. It should be a good time.

I haven't forgotten the ultra sound photo it is on it way.

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