Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas 2011

We had a wonderfully quite Christmas this year.  I think it was the most laid back Christmas we have had yet.  We have celebrated three Christmases so far and have two more to go.

Our first delicious dinner was brought to us by my sister in law Kathy and her husband Dave The Saturday before Christmas.  We were supposed to have a full family dinner which has been postponed to January due to a viral infection.  Otis was really excited to open gift and have family here to visit.  I decided to give the kids their Christmas P.J's that night so that they could wear them at all of the Christmases we would be celebrating.

Christmas Eve was pretty fun.  Dave and I stocked the tree with all the gifts we would be opening before Otis woke up.  When he went down to wake up nonna he discovered there were a lot of presents under the tree he ran back upstairs shouting about all the presents that were under the tree.  you would have thought that Santa had come already.

There were only five of us for dinner including Marlo.  We had are usual seafood dinner just on a much smaller scale.  After dinner we opened all the gifts.  It was a night a Star Wars.  Just about every gift Otis received was Star Wars other then the few other items I picked up.  Once all of the new toys had be sufficiently played with we all headed downstairs to watch one of our favorite Christmas movies Die Hard.

I managed to get Marlo's Stocking finished on Christmas Eve. Santa came in the middle of the night and left the kids stockings full of goodies and a few other gifts under the tree.  We were lucky enough to get to sleep in until 8am.  We opened all the new gifts under the tree and had a yummy breakfast Dave made. Once we were all dressed and ready to go we hit the road for Niagara to see My Dad's side of the Family.  It to was a nice relaxed day spent eating delicious foods and visiting with everyone.  It was Marlo's first time at her Nonno and Nana's house.  She was very good all day including the drive to and from Niagara.

I try to make at least one hand made gift a year.  This year Marlo will get a dress that is still not complete and Otis got a pencil crayon holder.  The whole time I was making it, I told him it was for someone else.  He asked me many times if he could have one too because his pencil crayons keep falling out of the box.  I love being able to surprise him.

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