Saturday, October 08, 2011

I wanna Hold Her

We taught Otis how to pick Marlo up properly a few days back.  He really wanted to stand and walk with her now that she doesn't have wires on her.

He did really well carrying her.  I made sure once he was done, we went over the rules of when he is allowed to carry her.  I even made him repeat them back to me twice to make sure he was listening.

The next day Marlo was asleep on the couch wrapped up in a blanket.  I was upstairs doing laundry.  The next thing I knew Otis is on the landing almost all the way up the stairs when he calls to me to tell me he had Marlo.  I walked over quickly and calmly.  He was holding her still all wrapped up.  All is fine and well.

I wonder how many more times this is going to happen.

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