Monday, October 10, 2011

Going for a Hike

We are very luck to have a large piece of woods down the street from us.  The weather was to beautiful to stay inside.  I still have not officially been given the all clear for physical activity but made the decision it was time to walk.  

I strapped Marlo in the carrier and off we all went.  Otis has been asking to walk in the woods all summer.  I did not have the energy to even think about walking in the woods.  

At the end of the woods we ended up in the Breithaupt Park.  I thought Otis was going to explode.  He was so excited to have been out in the woods and then to play in the park.  Who could imagine. 


I am so happy my energy level is up again.  I was so worried I was never going to get it back.  

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