Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fall Crafting

I have been busy sewing the past several months.

I took part in my first craft art show in September.  I decided that any proceeds from the sale would go towards a new sewing machine.


The show itself yielded almost $100 towards that machine and an invite to another local craft show.  I just didn`t have time to participate in it.  I also was blessed with a sequence of events that led to additional funds towards said machine.

Gail had an old machine in to be fixed where I was looking at a machine.  It turned out to not be fixable which meant she used it as a trade in towards a lower end model they surprised me with one monday night after they brought over the dinner they made to much of they needed to share.

By the end of that week I was able to shift some things around and get the machine I had been visiting at the store for the last few months.  The machine I chose was the

Janome decor excel 5024

I can`t say my new machine has made me a better sewer.  what I can say is that I am now less frustrated when sewing.  The machine is solid, fast and able to go through thick material like butter.  I would recommend to any sewer struggling with an older or weaker machine to upgrade for the sake of sanity.

A friend`s Daughter Emily turned four in September.  I made my first little girls skirt.

In preparation for the art show I started an etsy page.  the only thing on it to date is a sole pair of these baby shoes.  Some day I will get a chance to upload more items for sale.  Guess what it has been named in honour of this here little blog.   These little shoes have had 33 views.  one day they may even sell.  I have about 20 pairs made in all different kinds of fabric.  If you are interested in a pair let me know.

The beginning of this year saw a flurry of pregnancy announcements form several people I know.  I set off to make each of them a handmade gift for their new little ones.

I made 6 of these gifts over the winter.  There was one I wasn`t able to delivery in time.  I still have it sitting around.  I should probably upload it to Etsy right away as I already have a picture of it.  Hmm.....

I didn`t make many Christmas gifts this year as the ones I did make sucked up most of my time.  I will post pictures later.

I sense I may have a bit  more time now that the deep freeze of winter is here and the Holidays are almost over.

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