Saturday, July 25, 2009


Otis and I have been going for walks after dinner. We went down a Street/Lane I had never been down before. It is a street over from us towards the express way. The lane is the entrance to the back yards of the houses on our street. The yards are huge and beautiful.

At the end of the lane is the entrance to a small piece of forest. Otis loves it he asks to go play in the forest. I discovered there is a pear tree right at the edge. I love pears right from the tree. My neighbour growing up had a pear tree. My favorite time to eat a pear is when it is so ripe you can barely hold onto it. They are so juicy, it just rolls down your chin. Mmmmm. I can't wait to pick some.

There were a few other discoveries. Wild Rhubarb and Raspberries. There were only a few raspberry bushes. The raspberries were the sweetest I have ever tasted. I couldn't pick them quick enough. Otis was just eating them up.

A few days ago I spotted raspberries at the edge of a wooded area on the way home from picking Otis up from Rose's. Otis left this morning to go to Nonna's so I drove out to pick a bunch. Above is my found fruit. They are so good. I didn't quite dress to be climbing in the bush so I only picked on basket. I might head out in a few days an pick some more.

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