Sunday, June 14, 2009

Vegetable Garden

Here is the list

Tomatoes – 8 Varieties - Most Heritage
Tomatillo – 2 Varieties
Leeks – 6 plants
Fennel – 1 plant
Green Onion - 18 plants
Chives – Perennial planted last year.
Eggplant – 4 plants Coming soon
Cucumber – A critter ate it.
Strawberries – Started with 8 plants now down to 6
Basil – 5 plants 2 Varieties
Cilantro - 1 plant
Parsley - 1 plant
Jalapeno - 1 plant
Beans - 8 plants
Peas – 8 plants
Carrots – a whole bunch of seeds. They need to be thinned
Rhubarb – Came with the house
Rosemary - 1 plant
Broccoli – 1 plant
Peppers – 4 different plants
Gold Onions – 16 plants
Oregano - 1 Plant
Zucchini - 1 plant

I still have a few Pepper and Eggplants I picked up at Bailey's Food Buying Club. that need to be planted.

I also hope to get Oregano and potatoes. Andrea B. was trying to pick up some Oregano from her parents place.

The Potatoes may be a bit more difficult this late in the year. I have a book called A Slice of Organic Life. In this book there is a section on how to grow potatoes in a pail. I am very interested in doing so. Just need to get a pail of some sort and some seeding potatoes. I am not sure this will happen this year. I can hope though.

Below is a picture of our new garden that has been added to the side of the house. This is the best location to get sun being we have two giant trees on our property. This was one of the outdoor projects we have been working on this year.

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