Friday, June 26, 2009

Pigeon & Squirel

A few nights back this little chipmunk was in our house. Hampton brought him in and Dave eventually got him out through the door in the Blue/Craft/Spare Room Door.

It was a very chaotic event.

Dave called to say he needed help. I was useless as Otis was attached to me panicking about the chipmunk. He has become afraid of them as we have had to separate Hampton and said Chipmunk three times now.

Dave first got Hampton into the basement. It was time to get the chipmunk. We found him under Otis' Potty. Dave moved the potty and the chipmunk charged up the steps at Otis and I. Otis climbed up me and the Chipmunk hid behind me. Dave ran after it and it went into the Blue Room. Thank Goodness, things could have went way worse. We have a door out to the rooftop patio in the blue room.

Dave closed the bedroom door and opened the outside door. Once the chipmunk realised there was an exit it was all good. There was definitely some shuffling to get him out but not nearly what it could have been.

This reminded me of the time we had a pigeon in the house. Way back in 1996 I lived with 4 girls. My Roommate Kelly and I came home one day to see a pigeon on the porch. We walked by and opened the front door to get inside the house and the pigeon followed. He wandered around awhile and then left. So strange.

Me and The Pigeon

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