Thursday, June 11, 2009

Local News

The Record has an article today about the Kitchener City councillors approving a $4.1 million project to buy and install one of the largest collections of solar panels in the region.

Looks like some of my Bull Frog power will be coming from my own city.



Jon Johnson said...

I'm intruiged by Bullfrog, but haven't had my own electricity bill, until tomorrow when we take possession of our new home... EEEE!

Anyway, I've been wondering how much more would you estimate that it costs per bill to go with bullfrog? Do they just piggyback on your existing bill?

I'd like to do it, but new house and all, it's hard to tell yet if I feel comfortable with the extra expense, you know?

Maryrose said...

Yeah, we waited a year too just to make sure. It takes a few months to transfer over. I haven't got a bill yet but from what I understand we will get a regular bill but at a different rate. I will let you know.