Monday, June 01, 2009

37 Months

Dear Otis;

Again with the delay. I just found this post/letter in the draft section even though an other month has passed. I can barely remember what we did that long ago. I am going to get this posted and work on the next month.

Every one's birthday has come and gone. I am pretty sure you think your birthday lasts a month. You have been getting presents for over a month now. You are one very lucky boy.

Papa and Granny are back. Or should I say Papa is back. Granny had to go back out West. Her Dad "Old Erik" has been really ill and not doing well. Auntie Erica and Owen went out to see him too. We have been over for Dinner many times. As suspected the eating out has tapered off now that we have somewhere to go for dinner at least once a week.

Granny was home long enough to spend Easter with us. We had a great Family get together at Auntie Erika and Uncle Ian's House. We finally made it there for our first visit. They have only lived there a year and a half. We also got to spend the night before at Uncle Roger and Carrie's new place. Two birds on stone. Awesome.

The Easter Bunny found you at his house and left you presents on the steps outside. We painted your very first Easter eggs. You carried them in the basket I made for you everywhere you went. I think they are still in the fridge.

Nono and Nana came over for a birthday visit and brought you to buy a T-Ball set. You really like hitting the ball. I have been pitching the ball to you and you are able to hit it a lot of the time. Should a three year old be able to do that?

Nona came over for a visit and attacked the outside. We had so much yard waste to get rid of. She even cut down both of the bushes we didn't want. Nona didn't like the tree in the front garden either. She pruned it so much that we now need to cut it down as it looks like poop.

Ever since we got back from Jamaica your vocabulary has grown by leap and bounds. You are learning about discipline. We have put you to bed early for not listening. Any time we tell you it is bed time you now say I not listening?

I am sure there is more but as I said. I am a slacker and don't remebr what wles we did two months ago.

Love always,


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