Monday, March 30, 2009

The Big 3 Bowski

Dear Otis,

I have begun this post many times. It has been in my draft section since March 17th. It is March 30th and I am just getting around to finishing it. I have had a bit of writer block getting started.

Three years ago I was sitting on my couch waiting to become a mom. Where would this road take me? What is coconut going to look like? Is it a boy or a girl. Your Birth was one of the most foreign things I could ever imagined happen to me. There was this baby, I knew he was mine and I knew I had to take care and provide for him. What I didn't know is when will I have that rush of emotion? When will I feel like a mom. I was completely disconnected from this baby. During that time I didn't tell anyone. How could I? I have been waiting a long time for you to get here.

The Days, weeks, months and now years have passed. That baby has grown to the smart, funny, imaginative little boy. A boy I couldn't imagine my life without. You keep me on my toes, full of laughter and happiness. Don't get me wrong you sure do know how to push my buttons. Like Nonna says "Payback is a bitch." By the way you recently began saying Bitch. You told Rose you learned it on T.V. You also learned the word Why. I always said that we were in trouble when you learn this word. So far so good.

It has been a few months since I have written you a letter. I thought about not writing one but then decided. I would regret it in the future if I haven't captured these thoughts for you. It has been a good few months. Lots of good things have happened to our family. You have begun to speak in sentences and begin conversations with just about everyone you meet.

You have become a whiz at the computer and play many games on PBS Kids. You can tell us what sound each letter of the alphabet makes and you can count to 17. You have also been asking me to count in one of three other languages we have been working on. I am hoping you will have the opportunity to go to a French emerson school. I think you will need the challenge by the time you get to school in a year and a half. Rose says you are already smarter than many if not all the kids she has looked after over the years.

Recently you have developed a stutter. This stutter is only on the first word of a sentance when you initiate the conversation. Everyone says not to worry. I think it is because your thoughts are way ahead of your mouth. You don't get frustrated which is a very good sign and we are very patient and help you through the words.

We have been working on bigger puzzles these days. You can put together 12 piece puzzles all by yourself. I have taught you how to find bits of picture in a piece and look for the rest of the picture in another. You began to show interest in playing the games we have in a cupboard in the living room. You are a sponge for knowledge. I had a few games in your room that we have started to play. At first the idea of taking turns didn't exist. It has been coming along nicely. We also got you a version of Kurplunk made with Honey Bees instead or Marbles. You think this is pretty fun. It just takes forever to set up.

Your hands are becoming steady when you want to write and you focus on what it is you are trying to do. I must say though, I am pretty sure your ears break sometimes and you forget to listen. We have spent a great deal of time working on listening skills and the word patience. You are doing well. We sometimes need to remember that you are only three and we too need to work on the word patience.

I must admit that now that you can communicate more it is much easier to reason with you. Sometimes we will ask you to do something you don't want to do and once we have convinced you, you will say "AWHHH O.K." You are so polite you say please and thank-you for every thing.

You like to go to the book store and the mall because both of these places have Thomas train tables set up that you get to play at. I do believe that you are a mall pooper (by the way Pooper isn't in this readers dictionary. I wonder is it will be in the dictionary by the time you read these letters) Everytime we go to the mall and you get to the train table you poop within minutes. It is quite amazing actually. It has happened the last four times we have been there. One time I had just changed you before we left.

We read books to you all the time. Piles of them. Daddy reads a book called "Go Track A Yak". He reads it to you with the voices of Gypsy's. It is amazing. I love listening to him read it to you. I think it is your favourite book right now. Oh and you have an imaginary Author. Everytime we read a book to you after we say who wrote and illustrated the book we have to then say and Mally Julia. Who know where she came from but she has been around for a while now. Daddy is back to work he was off for just over three months with his knee. It is still bothering him but he says it is bearable.

I got you a drum from Jamaica. You Love Music of all kinds. You can recognize any rock band song we have when it is playing somewhere. It is mind blowing. You also know the lyrics to many songs already. You can sing the turtle song from beginning to end.

Jamaica was great you had such a fun time. I really wished Daddy could be there with us. Just before Take off I realized how much I wished we were all on that plane. I could not imagine what he would do if something would have happened to us. I actually had a momnet in which I was afarid to fly. It passed quickly and we were on our way. You made friends with a lot of people and they would all say hi to you when we walked by them. We were delayed for 24 hours, you were a trooper through the whole event.

You haven't really slept in your room since Christmas. It has been off and on. We have been travelling and visiting people all the time which has made it hard to transition you back to the big bed from your little bed. You do however understand that we will be there for you and there is nothing to be scared of as this has been a theme in the past.

Curtis turned one last month. You two are interacting a lot more now as he gets older. He lights up when he sees you. Hampton is doing well too. He has been to the Vet to get fixed. It didn't really phase you all that much that he was at the docotrs over night.

Zizi Miranda has moved to Ireland. We talk to her on the phone sometimes. Papa and Granny have been gone since December. They Went to B.C for the winter. You ask about them all of the time. They will be home in the next week. Yeah!!!!! Everyone else in our family is doing fine.

So after these very fast years in your life I can't believe there was ever a time where I was so disconnected from you. You have made waking up every morning a joy, even on the ones that I would love to get just a little more sleep. I love hearing your little voice say "Mommy" and I love that I am the person that can make everything better in you world. In a few short years this won't be the case so I will try to remember and cherish every moment I can.

Love Always
You Mommy

P.S. I just went through the everyday pictures of you and realized there weren't many to pick from as you spend a big part of you time naked. You go on the potty when you are naked.

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