Thursday, February 26, 2009


Well for one post anyway.

Otis and I are heading off for fun in the sun with my mom.

Jamaica here we come.

I decided to take a month or so off of posting here or anywhere else for that matter.

There was a bit of life that needed to be lived.

We have been a whole bunch.

  • We have become debt free other then our mortgage.
  • we went on a family get away for a weekend. (left winter behind)
  • we have been getting ready for our trip
  • Dave has returned back to work after three months off
  • Work has been crazy to say the lease
  • I got a few knitting projects done.
  • My sister moved to Ireland
  • and Baby Curtis turned one

Just to name a few.

I will be back to posting regularly shortly.

Until then.

1 comment:

Sara Kempff said...

i haven't been over here in a bit...the new years crowns are awesome! PLEASE PLEASE tell me how you got completely out of debt! that sounds SO lovely! & low stress!