Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Wrap Up


We made it. That was the most intense three plus days ever.

Dave and I have spent the last month on a bit of an emotional roller coaster due to the Holidays.

We made it through with what I hope were flying colours. There were many exes and additional family in the same room celebrating the Holidays together. What a grandchild will do. Miranda and I stayed up late wrapping gifts and imagining up many possibilities of what could happen.

There was tones of food, drink and many treats. This seamed to help. Our plan of attack was to feed everyone until they dropped. Not really but it kind of turned out that way.

Otis had a lot of fun and got lots of stuff. It was nice to have My grandparents see the house. They have been trying to get here for months. My Nonno cried about the house. It was hard for me to see my nonno having a hard time walking.

There were many things I liked about having Christmas at home.
  • my own bed
  • Otis waking up to his stocking
  • Otis was well behaved even with the lack of sleep
  • no winter driving
  • the leftovers
  • Having all the gifts given by Christmas. We only have one left to give

Didn't like

  • The prep
  • the cleaning
  • the chaos
  • the worrying

Would we do it again? I am not sure. I will say if we do do it again there will be additional organization. Dave and I are exhausted.

OH, there has been peeing on the Potty. Yeah!!!!!

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