Saturday, December 20, 2008

33 Months

It is almost Christmas. You are now relating Santa to Christmas. You definitely have clued into the getting presents thing. The advent calendar has been a huge success. You make sure to ask for your present.

ZiZi Miranda has spent most of this month with you. You had a flu this month that has wiped out just about everyone we know. You had the runs for over a week. You would cry if you had to toot. "No Poop - No Poop" You were terrified. You stayed home from Rose's for the week and made everyone crazy. You were very whiny and had no patience. Who could really blame you. you didn't feel well.

A classic kid moment came out of the weekend you had the flu.

You love to cook eggs. You can do everything but the actual cooking. On the Sunday of the flu I had no energy and could not get up off the couch. I heard you in the Kitchen. When I asked you what you were doing you said "cookn' eggs". I could hear you cracking the eggs. I asked you where you were putting the eggs and you said "In a bowl. I thought to myself how bad can that be Dave will just cook them when he gets downstairs.

After you were done cracking the eggs you got some spices to season the eggs. You managed to pour a whole jar of Cinnamon and Basil in the bowl. When Daddy got downstairs he almost lost it. You had cracked almost a whole dozen eggs into a colander. They had dripped allover the floor. Basically the whole floor was covered in raw eggs. Although it was extremely funny I wasn't allowed to laugh due to the anger of having to clean the eggs on little sleep.

Nona had her birthday in November. She was here for her birthday helping us get the outside ready for winter. You sang her happy birthday many times that day, she even got it on video.

You and I baked you first batch of Rice Crispie Squares. You had a lot of fun and ate many marshmallows. Now every time you see a Rice Crispie commercial you get excited and say "we made it" "Crifpies".

You have began to speak in sentences this month. It was like it came out of no where one day you are saying single words and the next there were full sentences. It is almost unbelievable if I hadn't watched it happen. You have also began to express your likes and dislikes. "No like dat song", "No like my big bed" are a couple of them.

Drumming, guitar and playing hockey in the living room are still at the top of your list of things you want to do. You got an early Christmas present of mini Hockey sticks and a carpet puck that bounces off of anything without damaging it.

We have been playing on the laptop lately. You play Word World. Between that and the leap frog thing on our fridge you have learned what a lot of the letters "Say". I will have to track down a few good websites for you to play on.

You also really enjoy taking pictures with my camera. I can't wait to see how much you like having your own camera. Zizi Miranda had a couple prepaid disposable cameras that you have been allowed to use. You know how to turn the flash on and wind the winder to take a new picture.

Picture Taken By You

Starting today threw to next week you will receive so many present we won't know what to do with them. I can't wait to see you reactions.



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