Friday, August 29, 2008

29 Months - Summer Loving Having a Blast

Dear Otis,

I wish I could say we have had an awesome time this month but I would be lying. We have been busy and on very little sleep.

It has been a bit of a rough road, nothing we can't handle just exhausting and trying.

You spent a week hanging out with Granny and Papa while Rose was on vacation. From that you went to Nona's for a fun filled week of swimming and playing. Nona and Stan brought you to the Motor bike races where you were aw struck with the bikes. You love doing wheelies in your car seat. Nono had you over for a night where you played with ZiZi Gabe on the tractor, four wheeler and Dune buggy. Vehicles are a favourite these days.
Daddy, Auntie Jazz Curtis and I went to pick you up you were overtired by the time we got there and didn't really recover for weeks. I had a big part in that. I put your new big boy bed in your room because we were having a lot of family over and it was in the way. I figured we would set it up so you could get used to it. I had no idea you would want to sleep in it and not go back to the crib. I also had no idea you would not want to go to sleep without one of us in the room and that we would not be able to get out of the room for well over an hour each night. Then it would end up that you freaked out in your room until you passed out. In the middle of the night you would wake up and end up in our bed. Daddy was not very happy with me as he said not to set the bed up and I did anyway. Oh well I need to make mistakes too.

You also had a major case of separation anxiety once you got back from Nona's. Daddy and I needed to be in the same places at the same time or you would get upset. Even going to Rose's was hard, she would tell you several times during the day that we would be coming after work.

Daddy and I determined that the rest of this month would be a bit of a write off for us as you would be away from home and off schedule for the most part.

ZiZi Miranda came home for a visit. She spent a night at our house and then we went to Niagara for a few days. My Cousin Matt got married. It was an outdoor backyard wedding. You had a pretty good time until you got sleepy and then a fever. You slept in my arms for several hours woke up feeling a bit better danced before we went home.

The next day you and I went for a swim and we headed to the farm in Fergus for Dog Day Afternoon. Many hours were spent on a tractor. you had 4 days of vehicle heaven. Mommy's Highlight of the day was when the drummer from The Sadie's let you go on stage and play his drums. The unfortunate part was that I didn't have my camera and no one other then Uncle Sean saw you onstage.
On Monday you and I got back in the car and went back to Niagara to hang out with ZiZi Miranda. The first thing you and I did was head for the pool. We had a nice long swim. Your confidence is getting better. I have been wrapping a pool noodle around you and you have let me push you around the pool without clinging to me.

Tuesday we spent the afternoon at Nono's. We got there just in time as a train hit a transport truck at the corner and the roads were being closed. We got through in between an ambulance and a fire truck. We went for a a walk to see the excitement adding to the vehicle adventure. We then had a really big dinner, played boccie and had a fire. You fell asleep by the fire, We got home pretty late.

The last day of our visit with ZiZi Miranda was Nona's Company picnic and we got to go to ZooZ. This was the the first time you went to a place like this. The funniest thing was getting you to leave one fun thing to go to another. You would get so Upset, until we reached the next place.
Things we did at the zoo
Saw animals
pet animals
rode a pony
played in the jungle gym
Jumped in the castle
played in the splash pad

That night we went home. We have been driving Ganny's Altima as they are out west for three weeks. Just before we got home you wiggled out of most of the seat belt of your seat and pulled on the door handle enough that the opened door light came on. I had you hold onto my hand until I was able to pull over. Lesson learned always set the child lock on the door.
As soon as we got home you wanted to go for a walk to the slide. Daddy and I decided to go to the end of the street to see where it took us. Low and behold we found a walk way that led to the park trails. At the end of the trail we were on we came to a really nice park with lots of slides, swings and a splash pad. The splash pad I have been in searching for most of the summer. I have asked many people at the park if they knew where it was and I was told many times that there wasn't one. I am sad that we found it so late in the summer. But next summer will be a lot of fun.

Back to the big boy bed. Daddy and I had a long talk and decided the time wasn't right. While we were away he brought the bed down stairs. We told you Bob the Builder came and took you bed to fix it. You went back into the crib with out a problem the only catch is you still get out in the middle of the night and come into our bed.

You are going away to Nona's for another week soon. We figure, we will wait until you come back before we try getting things back to normal and have you stay in your bed. I hope it doesn't take to long.
Now let me get to the Vehicle Adventure you were on

Aug 17 - Matt's wedding you rode on:
a lawn tractor
A golf cart
an old red tractor
and a construction machine

Aug 18 - Dog Day Afternoon you rode on:
two different tractors

Aug 19 - A whole highway worth of Trucks

Aug 20 - Afternoon at Nono's
Transport truck
Police Car
Fire Trucks

You also rode on:
Riding Lawnmower
Dune Buggy
Four Wheeler

Aug 20 - Zooz

Summer is almost over. I can't believe we have been in our house for four months. The leaves are going to fall in the next couple of months. Can't wait.


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