Sunday, July 20, 2008

28 Months Old

I was just about to start and write this letter to you and realized I may have overrode more pictures. I must fix the setting on the camera.

It is very possible that Granny took pictures on father's day. I will have to ask her.

Teta Cathy came down for a visit on fathers day. I was painting the kitchen when they all got here. The kitchen counter was coming and I wanted to have the painting done by the time we put the counter in. One more step to getting the kitchen done.

I played hookie from work and ran to Ikea to pick up a few larger pieces that I needed to have an empty car for.
We also went to the Ruggi Family BBQ the week after fathers day. You had an awesome time that weekend. You threw rocks in Nona's pool and got pissed off any time we took some out.

There were lots of kids at the BBQ you loved plying and running around with all of them. On the way there and on the way back we stopped at Ikea. It was midnight madness there and oh my goodness the sales were unbelievable. We went again on the way back. The reason we went on the way back was to see if some of the stuff I walked away from was still marked down. No such luck.

It took you almost a whole week to get you back on a sleeping pattern only to start our week of vacation.

We went up to Owen sound for a few days to visit the Wiseman's for Canada Day. You saw your first fireworks. They were pretty fun. You fell asleep on Harper's bed so we left you there. when we went to bed that night we couldn't find you in the bed. You had rolled off and across the room. It explained the big thump we had heard earlier.

I love these two pictures getting dirty then clean. How many kids can we fit in the tub.

We also spent a night at Gold's Cottage you had a lot of fun at the beach. We walked and walked and you would not turn so we could walk back. You made it though the hole way by your self. I can not believe how far you can walk.

Walking on the beach led to this great sleep

It was so great to spend the week together as a family. on the Saturday we went to Waterloo park and road the old train to St. Jacob's. Frain's are you favorite. Auntie Jazz and Curtis came with us. You boys were both so good. I think you have asked everyday day since if we could go on a "choo choo frain"

Uncle Sean is back from Finland right now. I wonder how long he will be back this time. We went out for dinner to Boa Nova. It is a south American restaurant that brings around seven different kinds of meat on swords. Uncle Sean had renamed it Meat Henge. You ate just as much as an adult, it was amazing. By the time we got home it was a mad Dash for everyone to get to the bathroom as they were so full and needed to make room. You did the same thing but did not want to go up stairs for a bath. I got out the red tub and gave you a bath. You have been having baths regularly on the deck since.

We also discovered this month that due to some stipulations you will not be going to roses two Mondays a month. You and Daddy get to spend them together. He is really excited to have those days with you.

The Summer seems to be flying by yet again. The heat mixed with humidity has not been as dreadful this year. There has been a lot of rain. So much so that we have discovered other places that water is coming into the house. Nothing major we just need to close both bathroom windows so water can not collect in the sill and leak in.

You spent a few days at Granny and Papa's while Rose is on vacation. You have been having a good time. Nona is coming to get you so you can stay there for the week. She has many things planned for you.

Talk to you next month,

Love Mom

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