Sunday, March 23, 2008

Birthday Party

I was up in the air about what to do for Otis' birthday as we will be seeing family over the next several weeks.

I decided to have the usual crew over for a Panini Bar and some cake.

I took the day off to spend with Otis. He woke up in a great mood and off went the day. After his bath I wanted to put some lotion on him as his skin was feeling dry. This did not go well. Otis had his first freak out. He wanted to do it himself. It was so funny I couldn't help but laugh. He just stood there and screamed because he was not getting his way. He did it a few times and went to lay down. I assessed the situation and decided he was still tired. He had a nap and all was well.

Jazz and Andy came over for the afternoon and gave a hand. We got the place looking somewhat clean. I got the salads and cake ready and we were ready to go.

Otis loved his cake he even gave it a kiss. he tried real hard to blow out the candle. We had to give him a hand. He also helped me cut every piece of cake. I cheated with the cake this year and dipped into the tub of icing. It worked well and saved me a lot of time.

Otis got some great presents. He got a pile of dress up clothes for his tickle trunk, a pair of Space invaders swim shorts, Jazz made him a felted caterpillar, and he got a few books. The funniest book was "Where's the Poop?". Baby animals have poops and you have to find the poop under little flaps.

Sean got home around 10pm and the whole gang was off to the Starlight Lounge for a show. Curtis and I went to bed. I was exhausted so I hoped for the best that he would sleep the whole time. I don't even think he budged. (Thank Goodness)

I am so happy we ended up having a nice little birthday for Otis I was worried it might get swept under the rug with all the craziness going on.

OH and I forgot the JEEP. Granny and Papa got him an electric car. Picture to come.

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