Tuesday, March 18, 2008

24 Months = 2 Years

So you are two.

Over this past month I have been asking you if it is going to be your birthday and If you are going to be two. Sometime you say “Yeah” and sometimes you say “No”. Last week your Daddy and I were approved for a mortgage and bought our first house. "Yeah"

We have been giving you the house pamphlet and you tell us it is “Our House”. When we went to see the house for the first time you walked around pushing all of the buttons. When the phone rang you went running for it. We get the house in just over a month. We are going to paint your room the same colour except it is much bigger. We are going to have plenty of room to put all of your stuff including your castle.

We have been having lots of fun on the weekends. Andy, Katie, Auntie Jazz and Curtis you call him “Coo Coo” have been coming over every Saturday for the afternoon. You get so excited when the door bell rings and go running to get the door. In the Morning when I tell you that CooCoo will be coming over you yell "YEAAAAAAH". You are fascinated with CooCoo you give him lots of hugs and kisses. Last weekend The other girls went out and I had the two of you waiting for the bank to call. You had asked for chicken, as I was getting the meat off the bone. You grabbed a drum stick and tried to feed CooCoo. I got to you two just in time. CooCoo had crumbs all over him but not in his mouth. Talk about a close call. Oh yeah and you will not let that kid wear socks. As soon as you can get your hands on his socks you say "Shocks off" and off they come. He always has cold feet.

Uncle Sean will be back late on your birthday. He has been away for almost three months and he will meat CooCoo for the first time. We can’t wait to see him.

Over the last 48 hours your vocabulary has become clearer. Heho has turned into Hello, K is now O.K. etc. You are so polite you say thanks for everything. "Thanks Mom" and "Thanks Dada". It makes my heart melt. When you ask for something and I ask you what do you say, you answer "Fease."

Talk about melting my heart. This month we have started the I love Game I say "I" you say "I" I say "Love" you say "Lub" I say a name and you repeat it. You always ask for more and we play it over and over again. We go through almost everyone we know.

You can almost say the whole alphabet now and you can identify most of the letters. Sometimes when I have a magazine I ask you to find certain lettter and you will point out the letter I ask for.

You have been brushing your teeth by yourself and when you are done you pretend spit "ppppooh" It is one of the cutest things. I just want to squish you.

Your are getting really good at expressing yourself and asking us to "shit(sit) Down" and play with you. When you want us to come somewhere with you, you ask for our hand. You are completely in love with cooking. You watched almost an hour of cooking show a with me telling me "cook". and you always want "Uppydown" to see what we are doing at the stove.

e pictures with out you grabbing the camera. I especially love the one camera when you are in the tub. My Favorite was when you got back in the tub after I had your new Diaper on (Above) It reminds me of Gummo.

Next Up your Birthday Party.

Love Mommy

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