Thursday, September 20, 2007

One and a 1/2

Dear Otis,

I was lying in bed very early this morning and realized I haven't got the pictures ready for your monthly letter. So I got out of bed as quite as I could and grabbed the laptop. I swear you wait in your crib listening for the first creek of the floor so you can start calling my name. "Maaaaaa" or "Dada" is what you yell when you hear us. You are so excited to get out of bed and start your day. You have so many stories to tell us about the Night and dreams you had.

I was worried I wouldn't have many pictures of you for this month, until I went through them. There was a create selection to choose from most are from the week you and I spent in Niagara visiting Nona and Nono.

When we were In Niagara we went to Happy Ralph's Animal Sanctuary and to the beach. You are still unsure of the carousel. We had a lot of fun that day, you loved the sand and going in the lake. I was so happy we were still able to go swimming that late in the summer. The water quality usually make it unswimmable. (is that a word?) and we are not allowed to swim in the water. You got really daring and even pushed your self on all fours in the water. It was so exciting. Uncle Gabe and his friend taught you how to play his drums you loved it.

After we got back from Nona's it only took a few days and you were back to your old self running into Rose's waving goodbye and just plain old happy. You are such a trooper, last weekend we had a yard sale even though it was really windy. You stayed in your Stroller hanging out while we got everything going. By the end of the sale you passed out just in time for us to go spend our earnings at the second hand store. Perfect timming. I got you a vintage Fisher Price cash register, you really like to play with it. Once you are bigger and don't tend to put little things in you mouth. Papa John is going to make you money for it.

We have gone to visit Papa John at least once a week. He seems to be doing fine without Granny there during the week. I am sure he misses her a lot. When we were there on Sunday he got you your very first drum with drumsticks. You love the drum sticks you play great music on the doors, the windows, the dishwasher etc. We could not get them out of your hands. you fell asleep in the car holding on to them and they eventually held your head up while you slept. I wish I had the camera for that.

It seams your dad and I may actually have the morning down. We have been doing well until now but there is on occasion a rush around then drive around like mad men to get us to our respective locations on time. This past week we have even had time to spare "ahhh" I feel more relaxed already.
Nights are getting there two. We have been trying to figure out getting errands done, enjoying our time with you and cutting down on the exhausted take out instead of cooking. We are almost there. One of the things that seems to work is dad gets the kitchen and I get the toys etc. We are also sharing the poop diapers, I got the last one. It is even better when you leave the poop at Rose's so neither of us have to do it. I bought you the cutest Green undies. No potty training yet but you do sit on the thing every so often.
The leaves are starting to change around here and the weather is starting to get a bit cooler for the most part. Which means fall clothes and a warmer hat. I have been working on your new hat for the last few Days. I can't wait for you to wear the completed hat. I started to make it last week but didn't know how big it was going to be. So it ends up there is going to be one for either your Dad or I and a smaller one for you. I have also come to the realization you have mostly Blue and red clothes with a few other colours mixed in. I am on a mission to get you other colours. Boys clothes don't have as many options as girls.
We are in the planning phase of our Halloween Costumes. I hope to get the fabric this weekend. I have to figure out how to make the same costume for three different sizes with out a pattern. Thank goodness Auntie Jazz will be able to lend her expertise.

You are saying a few more words:

doh - door
buh - book
Oh Wow - is one of your favorites
Day (I think you are saying Dave)
Still no three you will say one two until the cows come home but no three

I love when you are dong something you know you should not be doing you say "NO" and shake you head no while you are doing it. You also are still biting and pinching me. You usually only do this to me but sometimes your dad. I have no idea how to stop this. You are really strong and you can hurt.

Your feet have become ticklish and we take full advantage of this. Sometimes you laugh so hard you almost burst. Your giggle is right from your belly now. My cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so hard watching you Dad zurburt your feet.

I almost forgot your Dad's favorite time of year is here. Football started a couple of weeks back and you have worn you Bill's sweat suit for both Sundays. You are so cozy and squeezable in that outfit. I can't get over the cuteness. We kicked of the footbal season with our traditional Chilli fare.

I wonder what sort of Fall things we are going to be up to over the next month. I can't wait to see. I love you



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