Friday, July 13, 2007

Sweet Sixteen & Full of Kisses

Dear Otis,

I can not believe the summer is half over. We have been away from home just about every weekend this month keeping busy. We haven't had a lot of time to ourselves.

We were at Papa John's and Granny's house for the last time before they move here at the end of August. We had our last Family BBQ there. Granny's Dad Old Eric was down from Alberta.

Nanny came down for a visit this month and stayed the week. You got to stay home all weekand we went to the market on Saturday. It was really nice to have someone there with you so Daddy and I could get some extra things finished at work. It allowed Daddy and I to go to the movies too. Not only did we go to the movies we had a double header night. We went with Uncle Sean and Aunt Andy to see Transformers and Live Free or Die Hard. What a great night we got a little bit of numb bum from sitting all night.

We have been playing dress up. Any time you go into your dresser I try and put what you took out on. In hopes that instead of throwing clothes on the floor until the drawer is empty you will take something out and bring it to me to put on. It seems to be working for now. You have started to grab me by the knees and turn me to where you want me to go if I am not paying attention to you when you want me to.

Daddy and I have decided you are starting the terrible two's a bit early. For the past month you decided your favorite thing to do with me is bite. I had many little red marks all over my body from you. I hope this stops, it is really starting to hurt. You have also developed a great throwing arm as you like to walk to the end of the carpet and through you toys on the hard wood floor, which leads to the Toysplosion we have to clean every night. (Note to self must edit the toys.) You also discovered that pinching gets a reaction out of everyone especially Auntie Jazz.

I have been spending some time with you in the bath teaching you to put water on your head so that you can get used to it in hopes of making the swimming in Nona's pool not as scary for you. Right now you like to hang out in the mesh raft she has. It's like a little pool for you.

This month you learned to use you arms when you are dancing, it is so cute when you rock out. There are times when you will be walking through the apartment and stop and have a Random fit of laughter. I wish I knew what you were thinking. I love watching your little brain process things like when you have one thing in each hand and you want the thing I am holding. Your little hands negotiate how to hold two things in one hand so you can have the other free. It makes me want to squish you.

You are the biggest ham. A few weeks back we went to Ethel's for dinner. We like going there because everyone knows you and entertains you so we can enjoy our meals and take our time in the restaurant. When we got back from Ethel's you were on fire you entertained the room for about a half an hour being a little spazz. Once you were ready for bed you took my hand and we went into your room where I put you to bed. We are very lucky with this one, when you are tired you know and you walk us to your room.

You are still eating like a champ. I can't believe the spicy foods you eat. It blows me away how you don't even flinch. I feel our days are numbered with the eating. I hope you don't become a picky eater as time goes by.

You are actually letting me read you books with out flipping the pages at lightning speed and your words are coming along well.


amooo - Moo

baaaa - Baa

mow - Meow

woo woo - Woof Woof

du du - Duck Duck

BA BA - Bye Bye

ohn - one

Tuooo - two

Upahh - Up

pup - Puppy

pehpeh - pee pee




nanana - Banana

nana - Na Na Nah Na

We are heading to Nona's in the next few days you will be staying there for the week while Rose is on vacation. You will have a great time I am sure.

Love Mama

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