Wednesday, December 20, 2006

9 Months

Dear Otis,

So I Finally am getting around to completing some of the draft posts I have started. You turned nine months old almost two months ago. The Month of December was a bit of a whirlwind. Between daddy and I there are 4 major Christmas events.

Here you are before your very first Family Christmas. The one good thing about so many Christmas's' is you got to wear your Santa sleeper four true times.

Santa found out that we were having an early Christmas in Oshawa and came over for a visit.

This year was the first time since our wedding that Daddy's whole family was able to be together since our wedding. We had a large family photo taken. While were were at it we had our very first family portrait taken. I can't wait to see the finished project.

This photo was taken by Uncle Roger.

You were a bit mystified by the big red man. But you really loved his huge beard.

Looking as cute as ever for your monthly photo in the orange chair.

MMMMM Beer!!!!!!!!!

You love to cross your feet when you are eating.

Almost as tall as the table.

I think this is your last bath in the sink. You are getting the place far to wet.

I knew if I waited this long it would take me forever to remember what his mile stones have been so I jotted the major ones done. Here is the list :

Nov. 22 crawl
Nov. 28 sit up
Nov. 29 drink from a straw
kissing sound
shh sound

There are so many more and as I get you all caught up on the pictures from the past two months I will make sure to list many more.

Sorry For being a slacker It happens some times.

I love you a whole bunch.

Love Mommy

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