Monday, February 27, 2006


A week ago we were in Whitby for a final trip. While I was there I decided I would get coconuts laundry done. I went to fold the laundry to realize it was pink. So I started to call D. Saying Oh no, Oh No, D. Came running down the stairs thinking I was in Labour While I said, We better have a girl because everything was pink. D. Started to laugh he looked like he was about to pass out. He had a mini heart attack thinking he was drunk and we were two hours away from the midwife. We had such a huge laugh my stomach hurt and I was crying at the same time. All I could say was that I was a bad mother because I had ruined coconuts clothes, and if anyone who knows me knows I dislike the colour pink, what was I to do. D. Comforted me by saying I wasn't a bad mother I just could not do laundry and that is why he usually does the laundry. Turns out it was mostly hand me downs and all the new stuff happened to be in the second load. We managed to save almost everything except for about six things with the loving care of bleach.

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