Thursday, September 29, 2011

Days 32 to 35 - Surprise

Monday morning Dave and I arrived in Hamilton to find out we will be moving back to Grand River Hospital in Kitchener.  We just needed to wait for a bed.  Marlo would also be taken off the TPN(nutrients) as she is eating enough milk now.  They will still keep the central line open with a saline drip until they are sure we no longer need it.

Tuesday morning I called down to see if there was a bed yet.  I was told not to plan on her moving back to Kitchener that day.  They have not heard about a bed opening yet.   Once I got to McMaster they let me know a bed opened up and we will be going back some time during the day.

We left McMaster by 4:30pm and were on the road.  Traffic was great back in Kitchener by 5:30pm.  Marlo was famished by the time I got up to the NICU.  She was in her own room and the nurse had a gown on.  Turns out there was a baby in McMaster that had some bacteria on her floor.  She needs to be put in isolation until they can test for the bacteria.  She was not happy being swabbed.  All she wanted to do was eat.  I put on my gown and she fed great.  I went back in and fed her at midnight and 6am.

When I got back in for the noon feed her doctor was there.  I now have permission to feed her all the time.  We now started to discuss the exit plan.  He mentioned taking her central line out on Friday.  I pipped in that I wanted to go home on Friday.  He then agreed to take the central line out on Thursday (today).  they need to watch the location for 24hrs.  I then asked what other goals do we have to reach before we can get out of here.  The doctor sat silent for about thirty seconds and the said nothing really.  You can plan to go home for Friday.

DID YOU READ THAT.  We get to go home FRIDAY!!!!!! That is tomorrow.  Can everyone hold their breath with us.

I slept at the hospital last night to feed through out the night.  We have had seven successful feeds in a row.  The most we have attempted to date was three.  She even put some weight on last night.  I will be spending most of day and night there.  Today will be the first time in a really long time that she will be free of all wires and tubes.  She will have to wear a monitor while she is sleeping but when I hold her there will be room to move.

We will be coming home Friday evening turning off all the phones and locking all the doors for the weekend.  It is going to be nice to drink in the true first moments our new life as a Family of four.

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