Monday, October 03, 2011

She is Home - Hooray!!!

Thanks for holding your breath with us.  We finally made it home Friday night.  Overall things have been going well.

Feeding is getting there.  Stressful at points.  Sleeping is at a minimum and cuddles are at a MAX.

During our first night home Otis was frustrated with all the crying.  About five in the morning he said to me.  "Mommy babies are hard to take care of, huh?"

Otis is over the moon with his baby sister.  He will tell anyone who will listen that she is home.

Marlo is one tiny little drama queen.  She likes to be swaddled as tight as can be.  Thanks Greg and Heather for leaving those amazing purple blankets here they have been a life saver.  She also likes to have her bum pat to settle her down.  At the first hint of a diaper change she started to lose her mind.  She sounds like a little squealing piglet when she really gets going.  Most of her cloths are to big and fall off of her.  As you can tell by the outfit my mom got her to come home from the hospital in up above.

I really enjoyed our Saturday home together.  Unfortunately Dave had to go to work but we got through it without him.  Otis passed out on the living room floor in the afternoon after being woken up many times through out the night.  We spent the evening on the couch relaxing.  It was the first time in over five weeks I did not leave the house.

Tomorrow will be my last visit from my the home nurse.  My wounds will be closed.  I am so thankful for how accommodating they were with my schedule and came at all different times of the day based on my needs.

I can finally say Marlo's birth/hospital Adventure is over. Marlo spent thirty six days in the hospital and I spent eight days in and Thirty one house visits.

I want to send a special thanks out to my sister Miranda who is now in New Zealand.  She Set up a Facebook fund to help us with our expenses during this time.  We will miss you ZiZi Miranda.  I Look forward to our Skype dates.  I also want to thank everyone who gracously gave us their hard earned money to us in help us out through this time it is much appreciated.  Thank you and we love you all.

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