Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 26 & 27 - Waiting for Poo

Marlo has been eating since Monday and has not pooped.  This is not a big deal as she is not getting a lot of food.  I find it funny that Marlo is fitting right into this family being we seem to always be talking about poo.  I was thinking I need to get her these little guys for her isolette.

While at the Pee & Poo Web sight I  did purchase This little Onesie .  This is the first thing I have bought her since she has been born.

Feeding has been going well the last two days.  She got 7ml from me this morning.  I stopped her from feeding as I was worried she may get to much.  I didn't realize that the nurse would just pull it out through her tube to see what she got.  I could have kept on feeding her.  Tomorrow I am just going to let her go and then let them decide how much they want to leave in he stomach for digestion.

Currently she is receiving 15mls every three hours for her feed.  They have been increaseing her feed by 3ml every 12 hours.  Once she poops they can have it tested.  If all is well they can increase the food at a quicker pace.

The nurses know that I do not want her to receive any milk by bottle.  They were O.K with this and will continue to feed her by tube until we get her back here where I will be more available to feed her.   My hope is to have her moved back in Kitchener by Friday.  I will accept Monday if I have to.

Some of our family members have set Thanks Giving as the date she will be home by.  I am starting to think they might be right.  I have had a tough two days.  It is getting really hard to leave her there every day.  She is becoming way more aware and looks directly at you now.   Please let this time fly by in the same whirlwind we have been living in up until now.  If it slows down it will be even that much harder to get through this.

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