Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 24 - 25 - Good Days

Sunday was a day of the same.  My friend Lisa picked me up and brought me to see Little Miss Marlo.   She was doing well and was ready for snuggles.  There was a little pink swing beside her bed.  She got to spend one of her naps swinging away.   The nurse said she really enjoyed the swing.  Good thing we have one waiting here for her when she gets to come home.  I had the pleasure of changing a diaper.  It has been a couple of weeks since I changed one.  I think I have only changed her diaper three maybe four times.  Marlo had her first poop since last Friday, eight days ago.  There was no blood. YAY!!!!

Today we set out to spend a good amount of time at the Hospital.  Dave would bring me in snuggle with Marlo and head home in time to pick up Otis for school.  Nona and Miranda would pick me up on their way through.

When we got to her bed side she was wailing.  Her monitor was ringing as her heart rate was a hundred beats higher then her resting rate.  She was so worked up.  I tried to settle her in her isolette,  she would not have it.  I finally broke her out of her plastic cage and still could not get her to calm down.  It took almost five minutes.  We had arrived right during rounds which meant we finally got to meet her doctor.  She got a new doctor today.  It seems the pediatricians work on two week cycles.  Her new doctor let me recap her history rather then read her file.  He would only refer to the nurse practitioner if I could not answer the Medical questions.  It was nice to be acknowledged and listened to for the first time since we have been there.

Marlo was still wailing away.  He made the call that we would start to feed her today. The nurse questioned starting to feed before the end for the full ten days.  The doctor took one look at the crying baby and said feed her she is hungry.  He had me pump first so Marlo would not get to much food right away.    The Doctor paused and asked me by name if I had any more questions or concerns before he left.  Ahhhh I almost feel at peace after our encounter.

She latched immediately and went to town.  After close to ten minutes I burped her and she snuggled with Daddy.  She seemed very satisfied and grabbed a hold of Dave's beard.  If you are wondering why Dave still has not shaved his pregnancy beard.  The answer is he is waiting for her to come home before the burly man look goes.

When we left today she was just about to get her next feed of 6ml by tube.  She will not be put on a bottle.  The doctor made a point of letting the nurses know she should not get formula and keep her on breast milk.

Our next step is to wait for the poop.  He hopes to have her up to 60% of her feed by Friday.  I hope this means she will get to come back to Kitchener by then.  If not I will be spending a lot of time in Hamilton coming up.  Only time will tell.

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